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The news of the week is the hur­ri­cane mak­ing land­fall in Flori­da. What the media has already done with it. It is a man­made dis­as­ter, they have put up all the stud­ies show­ing how the hur­ri­canes are becom­ing stronger due to cli­mate change. The media is get­ting upset because DeSan­tis is not bow­ing down to the cli­mate change god. The num­ber of hur­ri­canes over the 50–75 years, and noth­ing has changed. But when there is dam­age its a mon­ey thing. Whats unre­al is the dam­age in Fort Myers, not the strength of the hur­ri­cane and the cli­mate. The whole land­scape of Flori­da is going to com­plete­ly change, the bar­ri­er islands may be beyond repair. The media will weaponize this. It was an answer to a prayer to get things off the front page like crime, infla­tion, the price of gas. CNN was doing a cou­ple of reports on crime and econ­o­my so now that has come off the front page.

The Ital­ian PM makes you want to learn Ital­ian to under­stand what she says. Her speech this week was unbe­liev­able. Say­ing we arent going for the woke stuff. She is the explo­sion about what is about to come over there.

The new PM in the UK is say­ing we will cut tax­es and raise spend­ing and has spun them out of con­trol and the Rothchilds bailed them out. Why is this of any inter­est to us in the US. They were hope­ful that she would be Rea­gan-like. Often­times when the tax­es are reduced rev­enues go up. They had com­plained that the bank of the UK had­n’t done enough.

There is a group of peo­ple that say the stock mar­ket has hit the bot­tom. Unknown of what will hap­pen next. 6–7% mort­gage rates, vol­ume of hous­ing has changed. The demand is chang­ing due to the hur­ri­cane and prices will prob­a­bly kick back up.

Seth Rich was the young DNC staffer that was a Bernie Sanders sup­port­er was mur­dered, shot in the back not robbed, in a prete­gust com­mu­ni­ty in DC. It was sus­pect­ed that he had a flash dri­ve that con­tained infor­ma­tion on the DNC or the Hillary Clin­ton cam­paign. The courts have just ordered that every­thing is being released and it will be inter­est­ing to see if he is the one that sent the infor­ma­tion to Wik­iLeaks. It will pos­si­bly open up the mas­sive coverup and all the deaths sur­round­ing the cam­paign.

GA pol­i­tics. Warnock is sup­pos­ed­ly lead­ing in the polls. All this with Her­schel Walk­er and his ex-wife is being shown as a nasty sit­u­a­tion. There was an excel­lent inter­view yes­ter­day with Dr. Alve­da King and had the dis­cus­sion about if women can vote for Her­schel Walk­er. Stacey Abrams has failed to get trac­tion. Rumors are that the democ­rats have an Octo­ber sur­prise. The polls dont reflect the newest reg­is­tered vot­ers and the MAGA crowd is not answer­ing ques­tions.

If Kemp gets reelect­ed, are we in a bet­ter place? No one has the num­ber iden­ti­fied that will nev­er vote for Kemp again. How big is that num­ber? Trump might come to GA around Octo­ber 15. The ques­tion is if Trump comes to GA and says noth­ing about Bri­an Kemp, it might be a sig­nal to Trump sup­port­ers say­ing its ok to vote for Trump. If he makes a few Stacey Abrams jokes that’s anoth­er ok for Trump. But if he goes on stage and makes a com­ment about Kemp, its bad news for the Kemp cam­paign.

Win­ners and Losers

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