Home / News / The Tale of Two Laptops and Mitch’s Death Wish

The Tale of Two Laptops and Mitch’s Death Wish

The Her­schel Walk­er Fan­nin Coun­ty Fall Fes­ti­val was a suc­cess. If we have the rur­al vot­er turnout to sur­pass the metro white elite to beat Warnock.

This is the tale of 2 lap­tops. Seth Rich and Hunter Biden lap­top, the FBI did their damnedest to bury both. The FBI has done every­thing to shut it down. Seth Rich, the 27 yo was beat­en and then shot by unknown assailants on a Wash­ing­ton DC street in the ear­ly morn­ing hours of July 10, 2016. His attack­ers appeared to have tak­en noth­ing. For six years the FBI will be com­pelled to share its secrets thanks to a recent fed­er­al court deci­sion.

Mitchs death­wish. They are in fear of Trump tak­ing office for a sec­ond time much more than the first. Trump did some things to set the econ­o­my ablaze. Biden want­ed every­thing to go wrong to take con­trol. When Trump came into office, there were many that direct­ed Trump in the wrong direc­tion with wrong deci­sions. The trump base does­nt like Mitch McConnell gone. The Tweet was to fire up the base. Trump has to get out the Trump sup­port­ers real heavy for the can­di­dates we need, JD Vance, Blake Mas­ters, Dr. Oz, Her­schel Walk­er. He has to ener­gize the base and by doing so giv­ing the hope that Mitch McConnell is gone.

Last week you have the VP mis­tak­en­ly say­ing we have an alliance with North Korea in the DMZ. Then Bdi­en looked for a dead con­gress­woman and wan­dered around the stage try­ing to get off.

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