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Latino & Black Communities Moving Away from Democrats

Stacey Abrams has released a cou­ple of ads call­ing Kemp, Kick­back Kemp. accus­ing the repub­li­can gov­er­nor of enrich­ing him­self dur­ing his term. Not­ing his net worth grow­ing 3.4 mil­lion. HOw did Stacey Abrams get so wealthy? Need to take a look and see where Stacey Abrams got her mon­ey.

Lati­no Amer­i­cans are mov­ing toward the repub­li­cans. Democ­rats are strug­gling with how to han­dle the lati­no vote mov­ing to repub­li­cans as the largest grow­ing pop­u­la­tion in the US. black vot­ers are mov­ing away from democ­rats. Hur­ri­cane sta­tus is not when you talk­ing about the low­est income com­mu­ni­ties is not when you talk­ing about them suf­fer­ing not among their own doing. Crime in these cities is out of con­trol. They think white peo­ple are try­ing to exploit it and scare the vot­ers in the sub­urbs. There aren’t any net­works talk­ing about the black com­mu­ni­ties want­i­ng to stop the crime in their com­mu­ni­ties. They see the peo­ple walk­ing around like zom­bies with nee­dles stick­ing out of their arms. Black shop­pers want to feel safe going to their store in their com­mu­ni­ties. Repub­li­cans have 3 major issues: infla­tion, crime, and the south­ern bor­der. One of the favorite state­ments from Trump to black vot­ers, What the hell do you have to lose?

News wants to talk about the 4 lead­ers that want to get annexed into Rus­sia in a sham elec­tion.

The elec­tion is going to be a land­slide. In VT, vol­ley­ball girls are banned from the lock­er room for refus­ing to change in front of boys mas­querad­ing as girls after express­ing dis­com­fort about chang­ing in front of a male pos­ing as a female.
Straight peo­ple did­nt show up to watch a gay rom­com, Bros.

If you have a net­flix account, they release first look at Big Bang The­o­rys Jim Par­sons in ground­break­ing gay dra­ma the boys in the band

Con­ser­v­a­tives fear schools being pressed to accept trans­gen­der pro­nouns, bath­rooms and show­ers. Folks if you arent aware of the new rules put in place in title 9 from Joe Biden being insti­tut­ed by Miguel Car­dona and the assis­tant HHS Richard Lavine, they are get­ting pushed in the schools. It does­nt mat­ter how con­ser­v­a­tive your school dis­trict is, the minute a boy wants to dress as a girl and wants to go in the girls lock­er room and you dont let him in the girls lock­er room you have fed­er­al mon­ey at stake and they will pull the mon­ey. Show one school super­in­ten­dent or school board mem­ber that will forego the mon­ey from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and not allow the boy in the girls bath­room.

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