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Media Criticizing the Lee County Response and Equitable Distribution.

They think this is the turn­ing point.

You real­ize that all the rules they put in dur­ing covid was not the law. The repub­li­can par­ty is doing a good job with all the poll work­ers and watch­ers. The democ­rats are turn­ing it into that we are cre­at­ing a war on elec­tion day. No, we are just going to watch the polls.

Rick Scott and Mar­co Rubio got pushed hard yes­ter­day. Rubio came out say­ing that he will not vote for Hur­ri­cane Ian relief fund­ing for his state if the bill gives dol­lars to law­mak­ers unre­lat­ed pet projects.

Fort Myers may­or’s race turns par­ti­san. So Lee Coun­tys response is get­ting crit­i­cized for its delayed reac­tion. Every­one has a phone with a weath­er app and can track the hur­ri­cane. The peo­ple in FL know its hur­ri­cane sea­son. The peo­ple that stayed are ones that did­nt want to leave.

Kamala wants equi­table dis­tri­b­u­tion. Now the low­est income com­mu­ni­ties suf­fer due to issues not of their own doing. By a hur­ri­cane or food prices? By a hur­ri­cane or rent? By a hur­ri­cane or gas prices? By a hur­ri­cane or ener­gy bills? How can you say that you care about the low­est income com­mu­ni­ties that you care about them when they cant absorb a hur­ri­cane fac­tor, they cant absorb the infla­tion.

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