Home / News / Gas Prices Go UP, Its a Win for Putin

Gas Prices Go UP, Its a Win for Putin

Remem­ber Joe went to Sau­di Ara­bia to beg for oil. White House says its clear that OPEC is aligned with Putin after ignor­ing Bidens pleas and cut­ting oil pro­duc­tion by 2M bar­rels a day. Was­nt Putin backed against the wall? Why would Sau­di Ara­bia, Turkey, Chi­na and all these coun­tries make deals with Rus­sia if it was on the verge of col­laps­ing? What is Joes next move? Arent we releas­ing a mil­lion gal­lons a day from strate­gic oil reserves. Oh we can make a deal with Venezuela. US to ease Venezuela sanc­tions. We are look­ing to cut a deal with these drug deal­ers. Biden eas­es sanc­tions on social­ist venezuela and releas­es Maduros con­vict­ed nar­co traf­fick­er nephews.

This rich white elite demo­c­rat got away with mur­der. Alec Bald­win set­tles law­suit with fam­i­ly of cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er.

The guy that is in charge of Russ­ian ener­gy pol­i­cy was sanc­tioned by the US on Fri­day 9/30, was at the OPEC meet­ing when they reduced oil pro­duc­tion.

Joe Biden was caught on hot mic telling may­or of Ft Myers, No one f***s with a Biden! Don’t think Euro­peans have any respect for the US, we are not the leader of the UN and NATO. With Tai­wan, Chi­na, Rus­sia, Ukraine, Poland, Iran, Syr­ia, North Korea, dont you wish we were still in the dan­ger zone the media lead us to believe with Trump in office.

Rus­sia is not suf­fer­ing quite like the media is report­ing. While the US and Euro­peans are send­ing mon­ey to Zelen­skyy as he reports Ukraine forces have lib­er­at­ed more vil­lages from retreat­ing Russ­ian troops in Crimea. Zelen­skyy is say­ing he is lib­er­at­ing the vil­lages so you can send more mon­ey that can fil­ter back to our politi­cians and lead­ers around the world. Putin is not afraid of Biden and Putin will defend the annexed regions. Gas prices go up, its a win for Putin.
No mat­ter what hap­pens they will always get you to believe that Rus­sia has had some set­backs in the war.

Muf­fin said Bidens trip to the mid­dle east was not about oil. It was about nation­al secu­ri­ty and glob­al secu­ri­ty.

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