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Get Ready and Buckle up for the Democrat Lies.

We talked about the expec­ta­tions of Her­schel Walk­er and his debate per­for­mance. It is not over yet, buck­le in there will be some things that hap­pen from now until Novem­ber 8. All of the media has dis­cussed for the last 2 days is the focus on Her­schel show­ing his law enforce­ment badge.

The four seats that democ­rats are want­i­ng to hold on too. AZ, GA, NV, NH. all polling and every­thing dis­cussed is all set up to get you to watch. These net­works spend mil­lions nation­wide to give you charts, graphs, touch­screen, lights and cam­era action. Elec­tion night is a tv show and these are the pro­mos. If they dont keep you engaged until elec­tion night what are they to do? Democ­rats are in major trou­ble. The vot­ers are not wait­ing for the CPI report to know we are in an infla­tion. Their report is the bank account. They dont have the mon­ey to get the gro­ceries.

Repub­li­cans will keep seats that are red already. FL, NC, OH, PA, WI They are hop­ing Fet­ter­man will be ok for the debate next week with Dr. Oz.

140 Mil­lion dol­lars spent in GA and they can not shake Her­schel Walk­er. They are try­ing to stop Her­schel Walk­er before he gets to the end zone for the Win.

Issues GOP han­dles bet­ter than Democ­rats. Bor­der secu­ri­ty, crime, infla­tion, for­eign pol­i­cy.

Oba­ma is com­ing to GA, WI, MI to cam­paign for Warnock. This is a prayer they have. They are doing every­thing for the stop and the steal. Time head­line: Her­schel walk­er and the GOP Trump can­di­date prob­lem. Even Joe and Mika repub­li­cans gain edge in lat­est polls. The sit­ting pres­i­dent goes to the safe states OR, WA, CO.

Hobbs says Lake’s refusal is dis­qual­i­fy­ing. Lake say­ing she will not lose.

This is what they are going to tell you for the next month. Glob­al price pres­sures. They have lied all along, one lie after anoth­er. Say­ing that infla­tion will be tran­si­to­ry. The aver­age 401K plunges $34,000 in 2022. The lie they will run will be that infla­tion is a glob­al price pres­sure but you can get insulin because it is capped. The oth­er lie they will run is how repub­li­cans will plan to get rid of social secu­ri­ty. They dont p[lan to do that but it is bro­ken. There isnt any more mon­ey. There is more being print­ed than there is pay­ing in to pay the bills.

Sanders says infla­tion is caused by the pan­dem­ic and the break in sup­ply chain, the war in Ukraine, and incred­i­ble cor­po­rate greed. Oil com­pa­nies, food com­pa­nies and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals make huge mon­ey.

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