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Democrat Push to Have Abortion on Ballot and Its Not Sticking

Democ­rats have pushed and pushed for abor­tion to be on the bal­lot. They want Trump and abor­tion as the issues on the top of the bal­lot and it did­nt work out for them. They cant com­mit to any­thing on the abor­tion issue. Vot­ers are not ok with these answers. All democ­rats repeat­ed the deci­sion between the woman and her physi­cian. This is why they dont want to debate. They are con­cerned that even their vot­ers are con­cerned and want­i­ng answers. One of the most explo­sive state­ments in any of the debates is when Her­schel points out that there is a baby in the room also and you want the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to pay for it.

This is why Oba­ma is going to MI. He wants Whit­mer to win and beat Tudor Dixon. MI is hid­ing a Chil­drens con­sti­tu­tion right ot gen­i­tal ampu­ta­tion in its abor­tion amend­ment. In Pop 3, chil­dren will have the right under the MI con­sti­tu­tion to walk into one of the Planned Par­ent­hoods gen­der affirm­ing facil­i­ties in the state. Chil­dren wont have to leave their house to get ster­il­iz­ing drugs through tele­health vis­its with­out par­ent con­sent. This is what is on the bal­lot in MI. This is why democ­rats will not define when abor­tion ends. Because they want Prop 3 in their state plat­forms.

You are hear­ing about Kari Lake in AZ because they will include Blake Mas­ters. You are hear­ing about Whit­mer in MI. There isnt much cov­er­age on the Mas­tri­ano Gov race in PA because he isnt as rad­i­cal as they say he is.

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