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Women Didn’t Fall for the Media Narrative


There are 2 things that a vot­er has on their mind in North GA. It’s infla­tion and did you bring your plants last night? It’s cold this morning. 

We are going to dis­cuss the demo­c­rat pan­ic. There are so many that are doing the work and inves­ti­gat­ing what needs to be inves­ti­gat­ed so when we take back the house and sen­ate we know the direction. 

They are try­ing to move the dots and con­nect them back to GA. No mat­ter where you are in Amer­i­ca. You are get­ting the clear­est vision and view on what is hap­pen­ing in GA. Today we will spend a lot of time on the demo­c­rat pan­ic. They are break­ing glass in case of emer­gency. The democ­rats can’t have their cake and eat it too. The democ­rats are lik­ing the month of ear­ly vot­ing. But they are also hurt that their Octo­ber Sur­prise peaked a lit­tle too ear­ly in Octo­ber. Repub­li­cans don’t get too comfortable. 

The media tries to take a direc­tion. Remem­ber the leaked opin­ion from SCOTUS Ali­to on the over­turn­ing of Roe v Wade. It was all prepped and unusu­al. It was sup­posed to get the ball rolling and the media was used to cre­ate the issue to keep the ball rolling. Then we had the KS amend­ment that failed to con­tin­ue the catal­y­sis. and now they may final­ly be say­ing that it did­n’t work. BKP has always said that it will not be an issue on the bal­lot in Novem­ber. The Amer­i­can peo­ple don’t fall into the nar­ra­tive that the media cre­ates for them, because they are busy with life. 

BKP makes an appear­ance on Fox and Friends First this morn­ing. He com­ments on the debate last night. Noth­ing in the debate moved the nee­dle for either side. Kemp is in a com­fort­able zone to move the needle. 

Democ­rats have gone from +14 among women to a +18 Repub­li­can among women. 

NYT is not about to do any­thing to high­light repub­li­cans. Head­line “Repub­li­cans gain edge as vot­ers wor­ry about economy”. 

Good news, yes, are you start­ing to enjoy it a lit­tle bit, yes. But don’t get com­fort­able. We don’t have the W. 

Women didn’t real­ly switch. When dems had a +14 with women it was all media cre­at­ed and gen­er­at­ed. It was the nar­ra­tive for the women to fit into. And as soon as women start­ed to talk about it, it didn’t fit the nar­ra­tive and women don’t want to be boxed into a narrative. 

Most Amer­i­cans want crazy to be fixed. There is a por­tion of democ­rats aren’t fix­able but there is a major­i­ty of inde­pen­dents and some democ­rats want a def­i­n­i­tion of abor­tion and want to stop some­where. Even the pro-choice want a def­i­n­i­tion. Repub­li­cans are hav­ing the con­ver­sa­tion. Repub­li­cans aren’t fight­ing over the issue. Democ­rats can’t define it and whether they know it or not it has real­ly hurt them. Katie Hobbs, Tim Ryan, John Fet­ter­man can’t define it, can’t say what they will sup­port. With all the fun they are mak­ing of Her­schel he has the best line in all the debates. When Warnock (the slum­lord, #slum­loard­warnock) says that theren’t isn’t any room for politi­cians, and Her­schel comes back to say there is a baby in the room. 

It’s not just abor­tion it’s what they did to their kids. Every­time Democ­rats push women into a nar­ra­tive it always back­fires. It’s women that are look­ing over the shoul­der of their kids dur­ing the lock­downs to see what was being taught. It’s women that know that they are in there try­ing to tran­si­tion their son or daugh­ter. The dems have made a hell of a mis­take box­ing women into abor­tion think­ing it would work. 

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