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Warnock is a Slumlord

Warnock is a slum­lord. They flipped the script on him. This morn­ing there is a press con­fer­ence in front of Colum­bia Tow­ers. They tried to amek this mov­ing say­ing that Walk­er paid for this abor­tion and every­time Warnock was asked it played the calm cool guy try­ing to stay away from it. Know­ing the evil cor­rupt side of his cam­paign prob­a­bly par­tic­i­pat­ed. But what he did­nt antic­i­pate is the arti­cle on the apart­ment com­plex. Wan­rock like so throw the MLK church, and that he was John Lewis pas­tor and he is a pro-choice pas­tor. He does­nt want it to grow that he gets $7400/month. The dems will talk about afford­able hous­ing. This guy is get­ting not only his salary as a sen­a­tor but get­ting the mon­ey from the church. His income has explod­ed. Thats 88,800 a year and 177,600 in the 2 years as sen­a­tors. This mon­ey is fun­neled through the church. Peo­ple are send­ing mon­ey to the church. Church­es are tax free. And this 7400 is tax free. 177,600 untaxed right to Warnock. Now you have peo­ple that are behind on the rent for $150 and are being evict­ed.

There is a mar­gin of error of 4.2%. They are say­ing 6% unde­cid­ed and Chase Oliv­er is the lib­er­tar­i­an can­di­date and is polling at 4%. No one is get­ting the mag­ic num­ber 50%. BKP pre­dicts it will be a runoff.

There is an ad that Warnock has out that tar­gets Repub­li­cans and Inde­pen­dents. He has peo­ple claim­ing to be repub­li­cans and are pro­fes­sion­al look­ing. They dont say any­thing ugly about Her­schel Walk­er but they say they are repub­li­cans and that they need some­one bat­tle test­ed and ready for the Sen­ate. That ad is work­ing around metro Atlanta. It is peel­ing off the white sub­ur­ban women. What Her­schel has to have is an enor­mous 9th, 10th and 14th dis­trict vot­er turnout, north of Atlanta. The 9th and 14th are ener­gized and are ready to go vote. They are con­vinced that if they dont over­whelm the sys­tem that the bat­tles they want to win will not hap­pen.

When Her­schel Walk­er said on the debate stage the bril­liance when he said Don­ald Trump is my friend. He did­nt stut­ter, he did­nt look at the ground. The Trump sup­port­ers went through the roof when he said that. It was like their team scored a touch­down in the fourth quar­ter with 30 sec­onds left in the game.

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