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Biden Gets Involved with UK Economy?

If the rich peo­ple dont hold their mon­ey and spend it. It will trick­le down to the low­er eco­nom­ic ranks.

The UK Prime Min­is­ter Truss aban­dons her agen­da to stem mar­ket melt­down. The rea­son to play it is because Biden claims they are focus­ing on the infla­tion and doing all they can to bring it down. Won­der why he did­nt work togeth­er with the UK to help them bring it down. Biden gets involved with the econ­o­my in the UK. Dont we have enough to do here when they get involved and affect the UK poli­cies? Was it to get rid of Truss.

Biden is out there today to talk about abor­tions when he speaks in WA. Every­thing is ranked ahead of abor­tion. Did you know that Biden is now a deliv­ery boy?

What JD Vance did is open the issue of dis­cus­sion on abor­tion. Some peo­ple are ok with 6 weeks, 15 weeks, and repub­li­cans are hav­ing the dis­cus­sion and democ­rats dont want to talk about it. What is real­ly healthy now is that we are start­ing to see the states hav­ing the dis­cus­sions and we arent fight­ing. What JD Vance does it high­light the democ­rats cant define any­thing where abor­tion is con­cerned. They keep want­i­ng to put some­one in a box and it is the democ­rats that don’t want to dis­cuss it.

Democ­rats pan­ick­ing. If women are break­ing toward Repub­li­cans and how seri­ous is that. Women are vot­ing on a broad­er set of issues. A 32 point flip among women.
Ron Paul on FBI. If Repub­li­cans dont take back the house and sen­ate the hope of
inves­ti­gat­ing the issues will be lost.

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