Home / Featured Segments / The Focus Group says it ALL and Ron DeSantis Backs it up.

The Focus Group says it ALL and Ron DeSantis Backs it up.

Remem­ber the focus group from Face the Nation that was played on yes­ter­days show. They were look­ing for a dis­tinct view from each of the vot­ers, the repub­li­cans, the demo­c­rat, and the inde­pen­dent. Remem­ber at the end of the focus group it was point­ed out that all three agreed. We are not as divid­ed as they want you to believe. The focus group was going around social media. This is why Ron DeSan­tis is so pop­u­lar because he is fight­ing for the issues that the Amer­i­can peo­ple are strug­gling with.

Dis­ney start­ed the war with the moms of Amer­i­ca. The stuff that is being brought to our kids atten­tion should­nt be brought to their atten­tion by any oth­er than the par­ents. This is why Ron DeSan­tis is so pop­u­lar with Repub­li­cans, Democ­rats and Inde­pen­dents.

Char­lie Crist is the rea­son why BKP wants to do a series on Being Repub­li­can because Crist was a repub­li­can turned demo­c­rat.

Every­day peo­ple arent answer­ing polls. They want­ed to get a group togeth­er of Trump sup­port­ers in PA because they want­ed to take down Mas­tri­ano. Mas­tri­ano was at the Jan 6 protest.

We have to buck­le down for the next 2 weeks. We need to stay bold and stay focused.

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