Home / News / Abrams says Voter Suppression is Underway with RECORD EARLY VOTING

Abrams says Voter Suppression is Underway with RECORD EARLY VOTING

Sunak is the new Prime Min­is­ter in the UK and he is Hin­du and is tied to the Chi­nese. First PM of col­or. The King will order him to con­struct a new gov­ern­ment.

WH defends Bidens qui­et cam­paign strat­e­gy ahead of the midterms. They have taught him to say Mega Maga Trick­le Down and they have put him in front of the cam­eras just so he can get some press.

Stacey Abrams says that vot­er sup­pres­sion is still underway.Once she los­es she will leave the state of GA for CA and she will claim that is because of the vot­er sup­pres­sion. On Morn­ing Joe they like to pre­tend for a minute in telling the truth but they are try­ing to set you up for some­thing, he is talk­ing about the ear­ly vot­ing records being set not look­ing like vot­er sup­pres­sion. We are wait­ing for the apolo­gies from all the dems and media and MLB for call­ing SB202, Jim Crowe 2.0

Fet­ter­man and Oz meet for a high­ly antic­i­pat­ed PA Sen­ate debate. All Oz has to do is let the vot­ers see that Fet­ter­man is not fit for office. Oz is on the take down side and they plan to take him down and will do any­thing nec­es­sary to do it. If Dr. Oz needs to tell the peo­ple of PA that he wish­es Fet­ter­man and safe and healthy speedy recov­ery. Wish him well and hope that his health is ok and that he will not aver­age anoth­er stroke. And remind peo­ple that it is a six year term. Why is it ok for the media to attack Ron DeSan­tis and Kari Lake if they will serve an entire term for the peo­ple. Will Fet­ter­man be able to serve six years healthy enough to make deci­sions on his own.

Mas­tri­ano has made them real ner­vous in PA. Repub­li­cans are going to sweep across the coun­try. So on elec­tion night we will have a pret­ty good idea of the win­ners. On Elec­tion night of 2020 we had a pret­ty good idea who won that night, it was­nt until the lights went off and came back on did the results come out.

Fet­ter­man was the lone vote to put mur­der­ers back on the street. As LT Gov of PA, he had the over­rid­ing vote to let pris­on­ers out. IF John Fet­ter­man wins the vote in PA, we will not accept the out­come. Dr OZ has done an amaz­ing job using Philly and a crime exam­ple, drug exam­ple and the city of Philly cor­rup­tion bet­ter than any can­di­date. He knows that as soon as you get out­side of Philly in the ring coun­ties, the sub­urbs. Which is going to call on Philadel­phia to cheat. The Philly that he has done so well report­ing on has one more job of cor­rup­tion to do in Novem­ber.

On elec­tion day, the num­ber is how many votes they have to over­come. Go Vote! We have to crash the polling places on elec­tion day. We have to vote in the largest num­bers than ever before so they cant over­come what we do. Your vote does count.

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