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They are Begging the Dems to “Vote Democrat”


BKP went to Dal­ton and Pick­ens ral­lies for Her­schel Walk­er yesterday. 

The expec­ta­tions are so low for Fet­ter­man that just show­ing up they will declare him the win­ner. John Fet­ter­man and Dr. Oz debate tonight. The media has built it up so much that if he just gets on the stage he will be declared the winner. 

They are beg­ging all the democ­rats to stay “home” with the demo­c­rat par­ty and vote demo­c­rat. They want repub­li­cans to think they don’t stand a chance and want them to stay home and not vote. We are 2 weeks away, buck­le in. Peo­ple don’t like to talk about steal­ing an elec­tion. But the race is so tight they are prepar­ing the steal. Some of the races are so tight that BKP believes they are prepar­ing the steal. 

IN Pa they will have to steal it and they want it for mul­ti­ple rea­sons. One, so they can get the repub­li­can sen­ate seat. Two, so they can get the gov­er­nor seat and replace Tom Wolfe for the 2024 elec­tion prepa­ra­tion. In GA they want Stacey Abrams to win the gov­er­nor race for the 2024 elec­tion prepa­ra­tion and Warnock to keep his seat. In AZ they want Kel­ly to beat Mas­ters and Katie Hobbs as gov­er­nor to enable them to steal the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. Same in WI, and MI, and so on. You see the plan. It is a plan. The House, not that they don’t care but if they can keep the Sen­ate they can keep the deci­sion mak­ing pow­er. They can inject Joe on a dai­ly basis. It is unknown how long Joe will stay, he got tan­gled in the trees yes­ter­day. After the cam­paign is over, right now Joe is going to the lit­tle pressers so the media can get their pic­tures to manip­u­late and vot­er intim­i­da­tion to fix an elec­tion. We do not have elec­tion inter­fer­ence by a for­eign coun­try any­where like the Cor­po­rate Cor­rupt media. The elec­tion inter­fer­ence by the media in this coun­try is crim­i­nal, not first amend­ment rights. After the elec­tion they will put Joe Biden back in the base­ment and bring him out dur­ing his most lucid moments. The board that they have assem­bled (the Deep State) will appoint the judges not just the supreme court and they need to con­trol the sen­ate to con­tin­ue to pack the courts. One thing after anoth­er. Then all the gov­er­nors can get in place is for the 2024 steal. 

They don’t need Stacey Abrams in GA to help them steal an elec­tion. In GA all you need is a hand­ful of republicans. 

Her­schel can shoot 

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