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The Polls are Show Dems Winning??? Says Fake News

Last night there was a debate between Char­lie Crist and Ron DeSan­tis.

Her­schel Walk­er is doing a great job cam­paign­ing. He is com­fort­able. He said so many things in the ral­lies yes­ter­day that I am sur­prised they arent clipped and blast­ed on the fake media.

They are set­ting up for the steal, what they want to get you to believe and prepar­ing for it.

Joe Biden gets losts in his own gar­den.

Sau­di Crown Prince mocks Biden mak­ing fun of his gaffes and ques­tions his men­tal acu­ity.

Joe Biden falls asleep on the job dur­ing an inter­view.

Fet­ter­man Oz met for a high­ly antic­i­pat­ed debate. Fet­ter­man memo: Well admit this is not Johns for­mat. They are try­ing to do every­thing they can to set it up no mat­ter what Dr. Oz says he is mak­ing fun of Fet­ter­man. Tonight Fet­ter­man will have a teleprompter in front of him and they will type in all of the ques­tions for John and sup­pos­ed­ly they will type in Ozs com­ments and answers. BKP believes that Fet­ter­man’s answers will be typed as well. So if he goes to the sen­ate, will we have to have some­one type every­thing for him.

Here is what they want you to believe, under­stand the source is CNN. There was a day when a net­work would not high­light any­thing from anoth­er net­work. In polling they have the demo­c­rat Shapiro over Mas­tri­ano by 15pts. And They want you to believe that Fet­ter­man has got­ten up and over every­thing he has been up against and he has a 6 point lead over Oz. They want you to believe that Man­dela Barnes has closed the gap against Ron John­son in WI. They want you to believe today that Tony Evers is over Michels Gov race in WI. In the OH sen­ate race that Tim Ryan has tied JD Vance and that all the oth­er polling is not cor­rect. They want you to believe that Whit­mer has hit the 50 mark and Tudor Dixon does­nt stand a chance. The net­works will not use the Trafal­gar Group. Trafal­gar groups is the only polling group that has come out and said that Repub­li­cans are under-polled.

Polling will start to be accu­rate again as they switch sources and algo­rithms.

They left AZ out this morn­ing. Maybe the net­works left out Kari Lake because she bites you in the ass and it makes Katie Hobbs look worse than the cur­rent SOS in AZ and it helps Blake Mas­ters look good.

The NM Gov­er­nor race, the Tre­fal­gar group has Grisham (D) and Ronchet­ti. The repub­li­can is lead­ing in the poll. NM has turned deep blue over the past decade. They wont talk about NM. They are a bor­der state that has been invad­ed. Democ­rats are about to take a shel­lack­ing. Dont for­get what they want to lead you to believe.

The democ­rats are try­ing to set up the steal and set up the flow in which it will take place.

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