What was that last night? WOW Dr. Oz took the Win for Republicans
What was that last night? WOW. Fettermans people took a gamble. This goes well for Herschel Walker, Blake Masters, for any tight senate race for republicans. Republicans won last night. BKP will answer some of the questions that Fetterman did not answer. Nothing qualifies Fetterman for the Senate. The Fetterman campaign took a political risk last night. Biden came to PA a couple of days ago to shore up the democrat vote. Now Obama is coming to PA. They have watched the polls drop and they took the risk and it was a disaster. Pundits were struggling on all the networks, pausing to find the answers almost as bad as Fetterman.
Lee Snover a member of the PA republican state committee. She knows the feel and is inside the party and on the ground.
Fetterman’s health is declining. He is sick. Last night he was supposed to prove that he is well on his way to recovery and can serve in the senate. When you have a stroke this severe. He had the stroke the week before the PA Democrat Primary. He cannot go and be a senator. He needs to go home. If John Fetterman would not have had a stroke he still would not have been able to answer the questions last night. He jumbled the words up on fracking. He jumbled up and yelled Roe v Wade all night. He has released prisoners from prison and he wants to legalize drugs. His extreme abortion stance and his soft on crime. Dont let the stroke take away from the fact that he wants to legalize drugs and held a gun to the chest of an unarmed man, dont forget his extreme positions were way before any stroke happened.