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Democrats Demonizing Success

Let’s remem­ber that every extreme sit­u­a­tion and every extreme thing about him is pre-stroke.

Look direct­ly at the face of evil, Gretchen Whit­mer. What a direct lie when she said that the kids were out for 3 months. Tudor Dixon did a nice job, but Gretchen Whit­mer let the evil fly. Tudor Dixon need­ed to be a lit­tle stronger and gone after Gretchen a lit­tle more and com­bined Whit­mer and Biden a lit­tle more. Maybe Tudor got to Michi­gan­ers with the dis­cus­sion on roads and the issues in Michi­gan.

The debate between Fet­ter­man and Oz was a nation­al debate, watched nation­al­ly. This was a W for all repub­li­cans.

Fet­ter­man will not release his med­ical records. He released a let­ter from a doc­tor that is a donor to the cam­paign. The let­ter said that Fet­ter­man was fit to serve, but clear­ly last night showed he is not ready to serve. There will not be a closed cap­tion every­where he goes. We already have a Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States that has a board/ staff that makes all the deci­sions. Do the cit­i­zens of PA want a Sen­a­tor to have a staff that makes the deci­sions.

Democ­rats demo­niz­ing suc­cess. Democ­rats no longer want you to have suc­cess in this coun­try. Your suc­cess will be based on your alle­giance to the gov­ern­ment. Your suc­cess and what you have to come from the gov­ern­ment. Dr. Oz did every­thing he could to say that the min­i­mum wage needs to be high­er and it would hap­pen under a true free mar­ket eco­nom­ic prin­ci­ple that would dri­ve the wages up. Fet­ter­man kept yelling that Oz has 10 hous­es. Accord­ing to democ­rats you should not be able to achieve the amer­i­can dream out­side what they have in the box of what your amer­i­can dreams should be.

Fet­ter­man was asked sev­er­al times on frack­ing. Fet­ter­man wants to total­ly destroy the thou­sands of jobs that are con­nect­ed to frack­ing. The extreme John Fet­ter­man is pre-stroke and he does not sup­port frack­ing and nev­er has.

Fet­ter­man has lied so bad­ly that they have had to remove ads from the air­waves.

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