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Lee Snover, PA Republican Party State Committee Member


No mat­ter where you are watch­ing from, all repub­li­cans won that debate. It is a very excit­ing time for repub­li­cans. YOu heard an attack on suc­cess and that is where the demo­c­rat par­ty is in America. 

What’s the feel of the Oz cam­paign? How con­cerned peo­ple are about Fet­ter­man’s per­for­mance. The cam­paign is ener­gized. Fet­ter­man’s per­for­mance is almost over­shad­ow­ing how well Dr. Oz did. Fet­ter­man is pro crime, pro drugs, the polls were on the uptick. Even if Fet­ter­man hadn’t had the stroke he would be in trouble. 

The doc­tor’s let­ter says that Fet­ter­man will make a full recov­ery. It doesn’t change the extreme and rad­i­cal he is. On the issues Fet­ter­man would have lost the debate. All they need to do is get him over the fin­ish line. The plan is to get Fet­ter­man’s wife in the office. The Fet­ter­man cam­paign is already blam­ing the per­for­mance on the news net­work. Say­ing there were tech­ni­cal prob­lems dur­ing the debate. The Net­work has already released a state­ment say­ing that it is not true and reit­er­at­ing that Fet­ter­man was able to do a prac­tice rehearsal pri­or to the debate to become famil­iar with all of the equip­ment that will be used dur­ing the debate. They claimed the reporter set them up and the net­work for the debate. They aren’t will­ing to admit the mess that the cam­paign is in. The net­work offered to have a rehearsal twice and was accept­ed to do it only once. Fetterman’s wife called for the reporter (Dasha Burns) to be fired. The plan is to get the wife in the office. They thought at first Fet­ter­man would do the debate. But Oz kept on the mes­sage about Fet­ter­man not com­ing out. But once he came out it all was brought to light. The debate was a mess. 

Repub­li­cans didn’t force him to stay in the race, to do the debate. The demo­c­rat par­ty and the fam­i­ly did this to them­selves. They had until August to take him off the bal­lot. For some rea­son the machine picked Fet­ter­man. Conor Lamb isn’t left enough for the pro­gres­sive demo­c­rat party. 

Peo­ple can’t afford to go to the gro­cery store and Fet­ter­man wants the tax­pay­ers to pay for safe injec­tion sites. 

Oz’s clos­ing state­ment was the best of all the state­ments of this elec­tion sea­son. It was very Rea­gan-ese. Oz has done the work and has met with the peo­ple of PA.
The democ­rats are into the pup­pet sys­tem. They think the offices should be run by staff. Exam­ple our President. 

Fetterman’s team knew that if the hard core ear­ly vot­ers it would have been an issue. Most democ­rats have vot­ed by mail. There are still enough votes out there for Oz to win. The cam­paign is doing every­thing right. It is a dog fight in PA. The democ­rats are doing as much grass­roots work as the repub­li­cans. This is the first time they have worked as hard as the repub­li­cans. Dr Oz has a chance to win if it doesn’t go beyond elec­tion night. 

The net­works have been lay­ing the ground­work for the elec­tion steal ground work. It is very con­cern­ing with the mail in bal­lots. And they know what they need on elec­tion night and the rules chance. There are 67 dif­fer­ent elec­tions with­in the state of PA. Every coun­ty is dif­fer­ent. The Depart­ment of State only gives rec­om­men­da­tions. The US Supreme Court has told PA not to count the undat­ed bal­lots but the coun­ties are count­ing them. They open the mail in bal­lots at 7am and they count on their own time, not time require­ments to have the bal­lots count­ed. The coun­ty offi­cials know the results and know exact­ly what they need to over­come the vote. 

Statewide how pre­pared is the repub­li­can par­ty for this elec­tion. The Oz team is ready. But the repub­li­can par­ty may not be as ready as they were in 2020. Oz just went through this in the pri­ma­ry. He knows he needs a team on the ground ready on elec­tion day. 

Mas­tri­ano cam­paign has a lot of ground to cov­er before elec­tion day to win the election. 

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