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What is the only Crime Fighting Plan for Kathy Hochul and Eric Adams?

There were sev­er­al debates last night. Tudor Dixon and Gretchen Whit­mer in Michi­gan. Kathy Hochul and Lee Zeldin for Gov­er­nor in NY.

The only crime fight­ing plan for Kathy Hochul and Eric Adams is to call on Bat­man to do some­thing on crime. Peo­ple dont take the train any­more.

Pre­dic­tion on Gov­er­nors: Red — AZ, NM, NV, OR, TX, WI, KS, OK, GA, FL, AL, KS, OH, PA, ID, WY, SD, NE, IA, NY, VT, NH, SC, TN, AK, (33 Repub­li­cans) Blue — CA, CO, IL, MN, MI, ME, OR, CA, NY, CT, RI, IL, MD, RI, CT, NJ (17 Democ­rats)

Biden directs addi­tion­al 18 mil­lion to house and sen­ate dems. This is a politi­cians night­mare. The cook polit­i­cal report hand­i­cap races. Mahoney in the NY house race is a toss up. DCCC chair Mahoney spends 600 K on his own race. AS chair you are not sup­posed to spend any mon­ey on your race because it is sup­posed to be a safe win. House democ­rats fac­ing trou­ble in blue states.

We might see some replays in a whole dif­fer­ent way. Democ­rats will do what they have too.

Sen­ate picks — Red Seats ID, NV, UT, AZ, ND, SD, KS, OK IA, MO, AR, LA, WI, IN, OH, KY, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, PA, NH, AK (54 Repub­li­cans) Blue Seats WA, OK, CA, CO, IL, NY, VT, CT, MD, (46 Democ­rats)

After the debate last night would you be able to tell what Fet­ter­man’s posi­tion is on the min­i­mum wage. NO. Oz wants the free mar­ket to put the demand for wages where it should be. If we would allow the cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem as it could and should we would not be talk­ing min­i­mum wage. The free mar­ket would put the wage where it needs to be. You cant just set your val­ue, or you can make your­self more valu­able. In a free mar­ket sys­tem thrives on mak­ing your­self more valu­able. Dont get excit­ed for the $15 min­i­mum wage, that is the gov­ern­ment set­ting your val­ue.

Fet­ter­man did a good job last night expos­ing democ­rats of how they can not stand pri­vate suc­cess. They want to take your kids and not teach their kids of being who they want to be but teach­ing them which gen­der they want to be.

Democ­rats don’t want to cod­i­fy Roe v Wade due to the via­bil­i­ty clause. They want to do so many extreme things like Prop 3 in Michi­gan. Dr. Oz answered back with the Supreme Court got it right and it belongs to the states. The media knows what Dr. Oz meant and they spun it to mean the local politi­cians to be the coun­ty com­mis­sion­ers and say­ing that Oz refused to answer the yes or no ques­tion. They are hop­ing you will over­look every­thing and only focus on the abor­tion. Fet­ter­man is not for Roe v Wade, he is for a rad­i­cal dis­mem­ber­ment of the child. The Amer­i­can peo­ple want some kind of lim­its. They are not ok with any­thing up to birth. If Amer­i­ca put in place John Fet­ter­mans abor­tion plan we would be more bar­bar­ic than Chi­na and North Korea. If Dr. Oz posi­tion on abor­tion real­ly got out there on what he said it is trou­bling for democ­rats.

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