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Are you Unhappy with Where America is Heading?


These are not migrants. The dump truck is not the stat­ue of lib­er­ty or Ellis island. These are ille­gals in a dump truck and no telling how many have fen­tanyl strapped to their legs to kill your kids. 60+ migrants found hid­den in bed of dump truck in Texas. 

Google prof­its drop as YOUtube ad sales slow. We small busi­ness­es feel and we can rea­chout it is tan­gi­ble to us well before any news net­work tells us it’s happening. 

Even Char­lie Dent has doubts about John Fet­ter­man and the CNN pan­el. Dr’s watched all over the coun­try vot­ers have not been giv­ing proof that Fet­ter­man has a clean bill of health. Doc­tors are watch­ing Biden. 

Biden is giv­ing inter­views to trans­gen­der say­ing it is immoral to not let lit­tle chil­dren mak­ing their own deci­sion on what they are. It is crazy as hell. The Amer­i­can peo­ple know it. 

GA polling on the trafal­gar group. Stacey Abrams is pulling TV ads. Walk­er up by 2. Before the debate a very lib­er­al poll only had Fet­ter­man up by 2. In NH the repub­li­can is up by 3 the mar­gin of error. 

MSNBC was try­ing to help Fet­ter­man this morning. 

Oz hit the mark. He asked you, “Are you unhap­py with where Amer­i­ca is head­ing” right on the poll, 70% of Amer­i­cans say the coun­try is on the wrong track, the only poll that has been consistent. 

His­to­ry of Woodrow Wil­son and his health. 

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