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In Case of Emergency — Break Glass & Call Gloria Allred

Her­schel was in Dil­lard GA yes­ter­day with Lind­sey Gra­ham.

MTG was at the Tun­nel Hill Depot last night with stand­ing room only doing a Lets Talk forum.

We have the Her­schel Walk­er non-sto­ry. The media is try­ing to manip­u­late the elec­tion. Matt Walsh releas­es a state­ment on Twit­ter that sums up the Demo­c­rat par­ty. No one has cap­tured the entire Demo­c­rat plat­form in a sin­gle state­ment bet­ter than Matt Walsh.

We will get into what used to be dis­qual­i­fiers. And we will dis­cuss the dan­gers that await us vs what the democ­rats are mak­ing their cam­paign pitch to run this coun­try. Matt Walsh posts The Democ­rats have set­tled on their clos­ing argu­ment: Vote for us so that we can cas­trate chil­dren, use your mon­ey to pay for abor­tion, and put pornog­ra­phy in the schools, If you dont vote for us then you are a Nazi and democ­ra­cy will die. Remem­ber when pedophil­ia was hid­den and peo­ple did­nt come out in pub­lic with it. It was in the qui­et chat room that we did­nt talk about. Now it is actu­al­ly embraced. Tul­si Gab­bard brought it out say­ing the demo­c­rat par­ty has become the par­ty of pedophil­ia. That is who wants to run the coun­try.

Glo­ria Allred, Hillary Clin­ton’s friend, the demo­c­rat Break Glass in Case of Emer­gency. We all know this sto­ry. Yes­ter­day they she came out with Jane Doe to accuse Her­schel Walk­er with new abor­tion alle­ga­tions. All the net­works came out with the sto­ry this morn­ing and fol­lowed up with not inde­pen­dent­ly ver­i­fied the sto­ry The media is com­plic­it in manip­u­la­tion and alter­ation of an elec­tion. It used to be that the edi­tor would not let you run the sto­ry unless you had val­i­dat­ed the infor­ma­tion. The accuser is Jane Doe, no cam­era, only audio, say­ing she cant give her name or show her face in fear for her fam­i­ly. The alle­ga­tions are from 1993.

This is not a coin­ci­dence. They have lost PA, unless they steal the elec­tion. In PA they may be lay­ing ground­work to steal an elec­tion. In GA they are doing every­thing they can through the media to manip­u­late the elec­tion to steal it in GA. IF we have a fair elec­tion in PA, Dr. Oz wins. Trump is going to West­ern PA to get the union work­ers. The democ­rats have lost PA the night of the debate. They want to paint John Fet­ter­man as brave and patri­ot­ic. What would be brave and patri­ot­ic is for him to go home. So what do they do, they have to get it off the front pages? The night Fet­ter­man blows the debate, they call up Glo­ria Allred for a vic­tim. A vic­tim that we dont know her name and dont know who she is. Noth­ing stopped MSNBC from run­ning the sto­ry, the Wash­ing­ton Times run­ning the sto­ry, CNN run­ning the sto­ry. They even talked about it on Fox News.

Now if that does­nt work, they do Water­gate. Police inves­ti­gate the head­quar­ters of break-in at head­quar­ters of AZ demo­c­rat can­di­date for Gov­er­nor. AZ cur­rent SOS Katie Hobbs cam­paign head­quar­ters was bro­ken into and it is float­ing out that Kari Lake had some­thing to do with it.

Tell us if Hunter Biden still owns 10% of a Chi­nese com­pa­ny.

Ris­ing costs and abor­tion access top vot­er con­cern in key NH sen­ate race. They are about to lose anoth­er one in NH.

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