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We Wouldn’t have a Country without Political Discourse and Violence


Sus­pect charged with Attempt­ed mur­der. The DA says it was polit­i­cal­ly motivated. 

Trump asked the SCOTUS to stop the IRS from turn­ing over his tax returns. While the FBI wants 66 years to turn over Seth Rich’s lap­top and Pfiz­er wants 75 years to turn over the data from the “vac­cine”. They want to release Trump’s Tax Records. 

Police say the attack­er want­ed to hold Nan­cy hostage. David DePape want­ed to use Nan­cy to lure anoth­er indi­vid­ual. Is he a Cana­di­an cit­i­zen? DePape con­sid­ered Nan­cy as leader of the pack (of Lies). DePape was going to hold Nan­cy hostage if she lied she would break her kneecaps. You can’t write this Hol­ly­wood script. To show oth­er mem­bers of con­gress the con­se­quences. He is being charged with attempt­ed kid­nap­ping, assault with intent to retal­i­ate against an fed­er­al offi­cial, attempt­ed mur­der, assult with a dead­ly weapon, elder abuse, res­i­den­tial bur­glary, false impris­on­ment. Paul Pelosi is an 82 year old drunk. The media is describ­ing him as a gen­tle grand­fa­ther. This guy just had a DUI and couldn’t go out of the coun­try because of a court date and Nan­cy had to take her son to Taiwan. 

The nar­ra­tive they are try­ing to sell this morn­ing. We once again have Polit­i­cal sen­ti­ment through Vio­lence. You don’t have Amer­i­ca with­out polit­i­cal dis­course lead­ing to vio­lence. I am not advo­cat­ing for vio­lence. There was a time when polit­i­cal sen­ti­ment and polit­i­cal dis­course led to our coun­try and sad­ly there was vio­lence that took place. 

The San Fran­cis­co DA wants him held with­out bail. Why would you want him held with­out bail? You have can­di­dates (Fet­ter­man, Barnes, Dem­ming, Abrams, etc) run­ning across this coun­try that want to com­plete­ly do away with bail but you want to hold this guy with no bail. 

Kari Lake didn’t say any­thing that we aren’t all won­der­ing. How did this guy get through the secu­ri­ty? Who called 911? If you have an alarm on a win­dow and it gets opened or bro­ken it will send alarms to the police. So what hap­pened? And Why 2 hammers? 

We don’t have details on so many cas­es. But we are get­ting what the DA, the Deep State Media wants us to have and the Pelosi’s say we can have. 

If you do not lock step word for word the nar­ra­tive they tell you that hap­pened, it’s not free think­ing it is a con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry. CNN says they will not repeat the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry, now you wouldn’t repeat a sto­ry you haven’t been able to inde­pen­dent­ly con­firm. CNN say­ing they don’t have the proof so they won’t repeat. You mean when Glo­ria Allred reads a state­ment and shows pic­tures and motel receipts from MN and CNN will report it but there is not any proof. 

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