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Its all been a MYTH

In GA US House Dist 13, the demo­c­rat can­di­date David Scott has not been seen for a while. Reports are say­ing that he is in hos­pice.

The Myth was that fen­tanyl was going to be in your kids can­dy.

The myth that trans kids are using lit­ter box­es in class­rooms

The myth in Pelo­sis house was cre­at­ed the whole week­end, but they did­nt. If we lock step with the myth they cre­at­ed we are ok.

Just the fact that we warned Amer­i­cans for Can­dy col­ored fen­tanyl could be in the kids can­dy. The fact that your schools have Nar­can avail­able. And the thou­sands of over­dos­es across the coun­try. The fen­tanyl being strapped to the legs of the peo­ple com­ing across the bor­der is all a myth.

They myth that we have kids going to school with ears on that they want to uri­nate in a lit­ter box, it is all a myth.

With­in the guard rails we must have the same set of facts.

They are des­per­ate for sav­ing the democ­ra­cy and sav­ing abor­tion. Biden and Oba­ma will hold a ral­ly on Sat­ur­day and they go after Rick Scott. Repub­li­cans have said they want to review Social Secu­ri­ty and Med­ic­aid every 5 years. And Democ­rats want to spin that in every 5 years the repub­li­cans want to end it. Rick Scott pro­pos­es to put Social Secu­ri­ty up for gov­ern­ment review. The seniors are strug­gling dur­ing the infla­tion on a fixed income. Some­one is going to have to deal with the truth. Social Secu­ri­ty is going bank­rupt. Odds are the peo­ple applaud­ing Oba­ma at the ral­ly talk­ing about Social Secu­ri­ty being elim­i­nat­ed may nev­er see the mon­ey. They arent putting in the mon­ey. We are going broke with these enti­tle­ments.

They want to show you Trump’s tax returns but we have to wait 66 years for Seth Richs lap­top.

Dont let them call you a vig­i­lante for watch­ing the drop box­es. Keep the legal dis­tance and dont break any laws. Watch the box­es.

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