Home / Featured Segments / Garland Favorito Joins BKP to talk about a recent GA Supreme Court Ruling

Garland Favorito Joins BKP to talk about a recent GA Supreme Court Ruling

A view­er ques­tioned what the GA Supreme Court rul­ing mean

We watched Judge Bri­an Amero grant the release of the bal­lot images and there was enough dis­crep­an­cy with the bal­lot images to go back to the court to ask for the release of the bal­lots. After six months of bat­tle in the courts, Judge Amero said you did­nt have any stand­ing and the case was dis­missed on the day that it was sus­pect­ed that the bal­lots would be released and the audit would start in Ful­ton Co. So how does this case open the door to rein­state your case.

IT was always said even when Judge Amero dis­missed the case that the vot­er always had stand­ing. The dis­missal vio­lat­ed all the prece­dents of the his­to­ry of our US and GA law. Voter­GA has been say­ing for 10 months that there real­ly was stand­ing.

The GA Supreme Court ruled on the case last week with the GA Sons of Con­fed­er­ate Vet­er­ans case. The GA supreme court ruled on this case last week. The GA Supreme Court ruled that cit­i­zens, res­i­dents, and tax­pay­ers always have the right to sue gov­ern­ment offi­cials when they vio­late the law. The GA Supreme Court took the stand with the cit­i­zens to have stand­ing. The bizarre thing was that they said that cit­i­zens, res­i­dents and tax­pay­ers are com­mu­ni­ty stake­hold­ers and they extend­ed it to vot­ers on page 50 of the rul­ing.

The Voter­GA case is sit­ting with the GA Supreme Court cur­rent­ly. It is a mat­ter of time that the court will send it back to the low­er courts.

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