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Where is the Candidate That Says “I Would Do Everything To Stop World War 3”


We are prepar­ing for next Tues­day, elec­tion day. 

It would be nice if a can­di­date would come out and say if elect­ed, “I would do every­thing I can to stop our kids from going to world war 3.” 

Soon after the elec­tion, hope­ful­ly not before Christ­mas we might be deal­ing with world war 3. Remem­ber Putin was going to be long gone and the peo­ple were going to get rid of him. Putin as we speak they are still drop­ping bombs in Kyiv. 

They have a guy find Pelosi’s house and put that per­son in that place. Pelosi is in inten­sive care. The guy is sit­ting in jail with no bail that fits the entire nar­ra­tive they need. Right before the election. 

Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Scholz upcom­ing trip to Chi­na. This will be the first EU leader to vis­it Chi­na after the COVID out­break. Maybe in Ger­many, the peo­ple in Ger­many are not ok with back­ing Ukraine. Maybe the guy is going to Chi­na to make a back­hand deal. Say­ing “You buy the oil from Rus­sia and I’ll buy it from you.” 

US Air Force to deploy nuclear capa­ble B‑52 bombers to Aus­tralia as ten­sions with chi­na grow. Pay atten­tion to this. 

Seth Rich was attack and there was a lot of spec­u­la­tion sur­round­ing his mur­der. The FBI has had the lap­top all along. Rich was a demo­c­rat staffer when he was killed in 2016 and no one was arrest­ed in con­nec­tion with the mur­der in DC. Some­where there is a cam­era on the streets of DC that would have a pic­ture of the sus­pect. Seth Rich was a Bernie Sanders sup­port­er and not a Hillary Clin­ton sup­port­er. The FBI is say­ing that if they have to dis­close the infor­ma­tion they are request­ing 66 years to release the information. 

Deep State blam­ing Con­ser­v­a­tives for the attack on Pelosi 

What are you pay­ing atten­tion to in the world? In Ukraine? 

It is pos­si­ble that mon­ey bags are being dropped off to run the narrative. 

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