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Republicans can Launch an Investigation on the Media

Wel­come to Novem­ber. This time next week polls will be open. Ear­ly vot­ing has been going on in many states across the coun­ty. We have a week before the polls are open. Is it pos­si­ble for some­thing to come out this week? Democ­rats have thrown every­thing but the kitchen sink. Last week the kitchen sink con­sist­ed of 2 ham­mers. Why did the guy take in 2 ham­mers?

They want guardrails on you and I. the Jan 6 hear­ing was sup­posed to put all of us in fear of assem­bly. To stop law­ful patri­ot­ic assem­bly. And Free­dom of Speech. Paul Pelosi is to stop the free­dom of speech. And the Depart­ment of Jus­tice is try­ing to stop us from watch­ing the drop­box­es, the demo­c­rat cal­cu­la­tors. Today in Amer­i­ca, if you can go. Pull out a lawn chair and stay with­in all the legal lim­its and watch the drop box, if you can.

Yes­ter­day some got upset about the seg­ment con­cern­ing why Trump is not com­ing to GA. The rea­son he is stay­ing away and How Bri­an Kemp has not asked Trump sup­port­ers for their vote. Mike Pence is com­ing to GA today to cam­paign for Bri­an Kemp. Bri­an Kemp is the luck­i­est man in pol­i­tics. This man was able to cam­paign the entire time with­out address­ing the Trump sup­port­ers or ask­ing for their vote. Bri­an Kemp has been for­tu­nate enough to say vote for me or Stacey Abrams is your alter­na­tive. We explained it yes­ter­day on the show. Her­schel is a true friend of Trump. Burt Jones fam­i­ly are huge sup­port­ers of Trump. Trump does­nt want to be labeled that he inter­fered with the cam­paigns in GA. Kemp comes out the win­ner in all angles here.

The con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries. There is no mid­dle on the Pelosi nar­ra­tive. If you dont believe the lock step nar­ra­tive that they run it goes straight to con­spir­a­cy. Not that you can think on your own. The guy had 2 ham­mers and to them you dont have the free­dom to ask why 2 ham­mers.

There is 2 things they have been try­ing to sell the Amer­i­can peo­ple, abor­tion (mur­der, muti­lat­ing our chil­dren, pedophil­ia) and sav­ing the democ­ra­cy. They have exhaust­ed all of their debates. They have worked as hard as pos­si­ble to push the repub­li­can can­di­dates on abor­tion. When it comes to their polling, the oth­er hope is sav­ing democ­ra­cy. Infla­tion is bad but liv­ing under this infla­tion with repub­li­cans is worse. The odds are if you pick a repub­li­can you are pick­ing an elec­tion denier and the odd are you will not have a democ­ra­cy with infla­tion if that is the direc­tion you go.

Repub­li­cans can launch the inves­ti­ga­tion. Mem­bers of con­gress know that this effort to inter­fere with our elec­tions from the media is the biggest threat to our repub­lic. Where are the Rus­sians? BKP wants to hear repub­li­cans tell the Amer­i­can peo­ple that they will inves­ti­gate cor­po­rate cor­rupt media because if you dont get a han­dle on them now the worst fears will come true in this coun­try. You’re not allowed to free think because that is a con­spir­a­cy. You are not allowed to bear arms because that is vot­er intim­i­da­tion. You are not able to law­ful­ly assem­ble. You dont have the right to free speech.

Elon Musk is the sole direc­tor of Twit­ter.

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