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We Can Not Trust Anything When the Democrats Roll Out Their Latest Surprise

To the New view­ers. Wel­come. If your Coex­ist bumper stick­er is a year old. You want to stick around because you’re scratch­ing your head try­ing to fig­ure out what is going on.

We will have Gar­land Favorito with vot­er GA to explain how his case isnt over and how the supreme court just breathed new life into the case.

At 9am, we will have Cae­sar Gon­za­les on to dis­cuss his race with his dis­ap­pear­ing oppo­nent. Would the democ­rats know­ing­ly let some­one die for a sto­ry. Would the democ­rats let Paul Pelosi be attacked? Would the democ­rats let a dead man or in hos­pice to remain on the bal­lot? We can not trust any­thing when the democ­rats roll out Paul Pel­soi and Glo­ria Allred. How many abor­tions did Bill Clin­ton pay for with all the bim­bos he ran around with? Would they harm Paul Pelosi to scare you to vote for a demo­c­rat and scare you away from the MAGA repub­li­cans. The scari­est, most dan­ger­ous thing to democ­ra­cy today is woke white women. Even the black vot­ers are say­ing that who told these woke white women to defund the police, when they need the police

In the 13th Dis­trict of GA, David Scott has dis­ap­peared. Some­one is con­trol­ling his twit­ter feed. Sources say he went to hos­pice Sun­day or Mon­day. There is some ques­tion­ing if he is still alive. If he is in hos­pice will he be alive on elec­tion day. Would democ­rats hide the fact that he is dead? The democ­rats are so damn evil. If we real­ly had jour­nal­ism in Atlanta at the AJC, some­one would go down and find out the damn truth about David Scott. This is not just the repub­li­cans try­ing to make some­thing up. Law­mak­ers raise health con­cerns as they qui­et­ly seek to replace a House chair­man, arti­cle in Jan. They havent been able to have a hear­ing in the Agri­cul­ture Com­mit­tee in the house because he is sick. The peo­ple of the GA 13 deserve to know if David Scott is healthy enough to serve. The 13th dis­trict is a +D dis­trict.

We dont have a prob­lem get­ting employ­ees in this coun­try, we have a prob­lem with work­ers. Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty data plunges to shows to be the low­est since 1947, down 4.1%

There will be a red wave. It’s going to be so enor­mous. It will run into NY, OR, WA, over the great lakes in MI, OH, PA, and GA. Kemp has inten­tion­al­ly made sure to not say any­thing con­cern­ing Ron DeSan­tis or Don­ald Trump in a cam­paign ad when Bri­an Kemp comes out to endorse Mike Pence for Pres­i­dent in 2024. Greg Bluestein writes on twit­ter, the revenge of the estab­lish­ment tour returns to GA. On Nov 9 the civ­il war for the soul of the repub­li­can par­ty in GA will start. Bri­an Kemp does not allow any­one in the cam­paign or in the gov­er­nor’s office for any­one to say Ron DeSan­tis.

These are pay atten­tion to head­lines: They arent scare tac­tics but we need to pay atten­tion too NOrth Korea is launch­ing mis­siles like you would not believe. True the vote founds jailed for con­tempt of court. Iran plans to send 200+ attack drones to Rus­sia. Exit polls show Netanyahu may be on the brink of come­back, he was the one that came to con­gress that told us that Iran is build­ing nuclear weapons and he said he will not let it hap­pen. Trust him he will not allow it. Guess who else does­n’t trust Iran and their nuclear weapons test, Sau­di Ara­bia puts US and forces in the Mid­dle East on high alert over Iran threat­en­ing an immi­nent attack on the king­dom. Remem­ber when Trump was in office he was work­ing to uni­fy the mid­dle east.

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