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Laying the Groundwork for Election Results

We will bring you the facts Wednes­day morn­ing. That being said, they are prepar­ing us for the delay in elec­tion results.

The democ­rats have got it all wrong. And repub­li­cans have it set up to say that if they lose it is because of the elec­tion deniers on the bal­lot. Peo­ple are going to vote for Her­schel Walk­er, Blake Mas­ters and Dr. Oz because the media has it all wrong.

Chuck Todd has the house races to watch, VA — 02, 07, 10 and IN-01. In VA-07, the report­ing from the two races say that the repub­li­can had a cou­ple of hun­dred peo­ple, at the demo­c­rat ral­ly had about a dozen peo­ple, can­di­date say­ing she want­ed to focus on the one on one post covid con­nec­tion. More ener­gy at the repub­li­can ral­ly.

Northamp­ton Co PA is a bell­wether coun­ty. When Oba­ma comes to town, they can put a minor crowd togeth­er. Last night 1000 peo­ple got togeth­er for an Oz ral­ly.

The econ­o­my is a top issue for this elec­tion. 43% say that their finances are worse now. The poll that has nev­er changed is the track the coun­try is in. 72% say the wrong track. This poll has remained con­sis­tent.

It could be a long night tomor­row night. It could look like one can­di­date has won and days lat­er anoth­er vic­tor is crowned. But accord­ing to the report­ing it is ok and the sys­tem is not bro­ken. They have set that up to lay the ground­work to give the pub­lic the rea­son why the num­bers arent what they want the num­bers to be. AKA steal an elec­tion. Fool me once.

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