Home / News / NO MORE NEW DRILLING, says Joe


Lame Duck, its not what you order in a Chi­nese Restau­rant. After the elec­tion we will have a Lame Duck. What will a peace deal look like with Rus­sia? Will repub­li­cans get on board with total­ly end­ing the debt ceil­ing.

Joe is such a buf­foon. He is cam­paign­ing with Kathy Hochul. He stands on the stage say­ing that the approach is work­ing on a stage that he almost falls off the stage. He just says all kinds of crap. There isnt any what 80 mil­lion folks vot­ed for him. Where are the fact check­ers? JOe cut the fed­er­al debt in half? And the dumb ass audi­ence cheers and the media says noth­ing. Joe Biden wants you to believe he knows the vision for Amer­i­ca.

NO MORE NEW DRILLING, says Joe. They are deplet­ing our strate­gic stock­pile of oil to say they have got­ten the price of gas down. The prices will go up after the elec­tion. Joe will be shut­ting the coal plants all across Amer­i­ca and wind and solar gen­er­a­tion. NO MORE COAL. The media is cov­er­ing this up. Manchin comes out to say Biden has nev­er told him about the shut­ting down of coal pro­duc­tion. We cant believe any­thing that Manchin is say­ing. It is a man­u­fac­tured reac­tion. He cut the deal to push the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act and stabbed the Amer­i­can peo­ple in the back. Joe wants to shut down all the coal plants in Amer­i­ca. There isnt any way we can meet the expec­ta­tions of EVs. Joe knows that Chi­na is build­ing 43 new coal fired pow­er plants. West VA is going to mine coal, they are just going to be putting it on barges to Chi­na. They have all the cobalt and lithi­um to pro­duce the bat­ter­ies. While we are run­ning on wind and solar and their bat­ter­ies.

They are ready to say, I told you so. There is no way in hell some­one in their right mind will pull the lever for Fet­ter­man.

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