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What happens after the election?

They are set­ting up the expla­na­tion for the steal in the coun­ties where they can get away with it. You have been hear­ing that the repub­li­cans should have big­ger leads. It is the can­di­dates they choose.

What hap­pens after the elec­tion? What will the peace deal look like after the elec­tion between Ukraine and Rus­sia? Ger­many sent Schultz to Bei­jing to work out a peace deal with Rus­sia with Chi­na as a priv­i­leged mes­sen­ger. And the US to talk to Ukraine. MTG claimed that under repub­li­cans not anoth­er pen­ny will go to Ukraine. Rick Scott com­mit­ted to sup­port Ukraine to avoid a war with Rus­sia. Do you real­ly want Rick Scott as your replace­ment for Mitch McConnell? Could the end of the Ukraine war be in sight? Joe has a del­e­ga­tion talk­ing to Zelen­skyy and Ger­many is talk­ing to Chi­na to talk to Rus­sia. What MTG said as soon as repub­li­cans get con­trol there is a strong doubt the mon­ey sup­port will stop. There is a lot of rumor that Trump was going to announce in PA and Nov 7. Does MTG want to rep­re­sent the 14th on com­mit­tees in DC or does she want to be VP.

No way the peo­ple of PA are will­ing to vote for this guy. While the guy is talk­ing, all the flags behind him go down. IF this was a repub­li­can par­ty ral­ly there would be peo­ple run­ning to get the flags to stand. Fet­ter­man said he cel­e­brates the demise of Roe v Wade.

Trump talked about the poll and coined a new nick­name for Ron DeSanc­ti­mo­nious. Yes­ter­day in FL, the media was report­ing Ron vs Don. As there were duel­ing ral­lies in Flori­da yes­ter­day. Trump ral­lies in Mia­mi-Dade. DeSan­tis goes to anoth­er part of the state. They know that every vote Mar­co Rubio gets Ron DeSan­tis will get and vice ver­sa. If Don­ald Trump announces he will seek re-elec­tion, it’s Amer­i­ca. No one is enti­tled to an office. We will not allow the democ­rats or the media to spin the nar­ra­tive.

Remem­ber there is a rea­son they have not inter­viewed any­one with­out the pres­sure of accept­ing the out­come of the elec­tion. It does­nt mat­ter the net­work. Will you accept the out­come??? Ron­na McDaniel says in an inter­view that GOP can­di­dates will accept the results after the process plays out. You are liv­ing under the process of play­ing out looks like. Whos process? Their process. There is a rea­son every repub­li­can can­di­date has been asked about accept­ing the out­come. It could be like 2020, it is note­wor­thy that it is ok, does­n’t mean some­thing is bro­ken. Because you have admit­ted that you will accept the results once the process plays out. AZ is ground zero for elec­tion denierism. Trump can­di­dates across the bal­lot. If democ­rats win it will be a clear rejec­tion of elec­tion con­spir­a­cies.

They want you to believe that demo­c­rat and repub­li­can enthu­si­asm is equal. And that vot­ers are split at 47% on which par­ty they pre­fer con­trol­ling con­gress. They want you to believe that threats to democ­ra­cy are the most impor­tant issue fac­ing the coun­try. Over jobs and the econ­o­my. It could take hours or almost a month for con­trol of con­gress to be known. They want you to believe that tick­ets will be split­ting in GA.

Oba­ma goes to PA and talks about our fun­da­men­tal val­ues. Val­ues that Shapiro and Fet­ter­man stand for are the val­ues that Amer­i­ca stands for. Shapiro is the AG of PA and he upheld Gov Wolfes and Richard Lavine pol­i­cy that killed seniors in nurs­ing homes. Shapiro did not launch an inves­ti­ga­tion into why the seniors were dying. If you were pre­vent­ed from see­ing your loved ones in the hos­pi­tal. Shapiro was the one that allowed Tom Wolfes dic­ta­tor­ship and upheld all his rules. But all they have on Doug Mas­tri­ano is that he is an elec­tion denier. Shapiro is ready to be the next dic­ta­tor of PA. Mas­tri­ano is ready to be the next lib­er­a­tor of PA.

Biden will be done after the elec­tion. It will be so bru­tal.

TN bans gen­der tran­si­tion pro­ce­dures for minors in TN. There needs to be a nation­al leg­is­la­tion.

Pay atten­tion to the mis­siles com­ing from North Korea. They are plan­ning for an attack tar­get­ing key South Korea and US.

Police refuse to release ham­mer attack sus­pect mugshot, body cam, etc. It will prob­a­bly not be released until after the elec­tion.

Large scale lay­off could begin at Meta this week.

Trump team eyes Nov 14 announce­ment.

BKP pre­dic­tions

Rush video on rib­bons.

COP27 begins in Egypt, glob­al warm­ing takes cen­ter stage.

The shad­ow of 2024 looms over the 2022 elec­tion.

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