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Election Day 2022. And You are the DATA

Elec­tion day 2022. We have trav­eled the road through the pri­ma­ry. We have watched the speech­es, talked to vot­ers, and can­di­dates across the coun­try. We want to bring you the best and most accu­rate cov­er­age of elec­tion day tomor­row. Enjoy the evening. Some have said they are very ner­vous today. But enjoy the evening of watch­ing those on the oth­er side explod­ing. It will be in the hands of the judges. All the can­di­dates have made their final push. There are some great Amer­i­cans out there poll watch­ing and watch­ing drop box­es. Patri­ots across Amer­i­ca are say­ing you are not doing this again to us It is so intense today and patri­ots are so deter­mined that patri­ots will not allow the steal today. It is so intense that Joe Biden and the DOJ are fed­er­al­iz­ing elec­tions with­out ask­ing. WE will explain lat­er

PA Supreme Court has denied bal­lots for not being dat­ed cor­rect­ly and Fet­ter­man is suing to allow the bal­lots.

We will find out tonight how many peo­ple care. They are wor­ried about polit­i­cal vio­lence and the media will be every­where all over the coun­try look­ing for the poll watch­er that might be a lit­tle too aggres­sive. They are wait­ing for the right side poll watch­er vot­er intim­i­da­tion. We will find out today how many care about Paul Pelosi.

Kemp is the luck­i­est politi­cian in Amer­i­ca. Or have you been set up in GA. Is he the luck­i­est man in pol­i­tics or is he audi­tion­ing for VP to bring GA to Mike Pence. This is the tick­et in GA. There was a big deal yes­ter­day because Her­schel Walk­er did­n’t fly around with the total repub­li­can tick­et in GA. Her­schel Walk­er had an enor­mous crowd last night. Warnocks team is ner­vous today. Her­schel doing a pre vic­to­ry dance on stage last night. Her­schel is ready and bat­tle test­ed.

Love liv­ing in GA but how excit­ing it would be to vote in AZ today. The only can­di­date in GA that has the excite­ment to vote for is Her­schel Walk­er. AZ is ground zero for elec­tion denierism.

We have an elec­tion MONTH! You are not a vot­er, You are DATA. You are part of an algo­rithm. They know how you vote, where you vote, what time you vote. They know you pulled a par­ty card dur­ing the pri­ma­ry. Ear­ly vot­ing allows them to com­pile the data to know what they need for the day of vot­ing. In the rur­al coun­ties in Amer­i­ca there are thou­sands of great patri­ots are in charge of the elec­tions that have not inter­est in cheat­ing, that is not the case in Ful­ton CO, Philadel­phia Co, etc

Don Bolduc the Sen­ate can­di­date in NH. In NH, ID Is required to vote. NH has same day reg­is­tra­tion but there isnt any ear­ly vot­ing. The group in GA is all repub­li­cans and is sup­posed to be run by repub­li­cans and all you heard is about SB202. Why did we need 3 weeks of ear­ly vot­ing, sat­ur­day vot­ing, sun­day vot­ing, not excuse absen­tee vot­ing, Don Bolduc is an indi­ca­tor on how things will be tonight in the Sen­ate.

It is so frus­trat­ing today that the data you have become, but they are talk­ing about the red mirage 2.0. That is the dis­cus­sion they are hav­ing on the fake news media out­lets. Lis­ten to what is being pre­pared for tonight. You will not be see­ing this if there was­nt ear­ly vot­ing, absen­tee bal­lots if you had elec­tion day vot­ing. Out­come will appear to favor one can­di­date ear­ly and then flip to the oth­er can­di­date in the days to come and it is ok the lead will dwin­dle or crum­ble com­plete­ly, after per­ceived dumps of votes are record­ed by state elec­tion offi­cials who count mail in and absen­tee bal­lots in days after the elec­tion. This phe­nom­e­non has been called Red Mirage dur­ing the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. In 2020, it was Sat­ur­day before we knew that Biden was pres­i­dent. There will be a new focus on the new mechan­ics and tim­ing of the vote count, reporter says. The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is com­ing into the elec­tion and the ground­work that is being laid with the media cov­er­age.

Con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists urge vot­ing as late as pos­si­ble on Elec­tion Day to stop the steal. In the state of PA the gov­er­nor appoints SOS, Toni Shuppe says vot­ing late in the day will delib­er­ate­ly over­whelm the sys­tem and will stop the steal of 2022 by pre­vent­ing a vot­ing machine hack­er from influ­enc­ing vote totals. The strat­e­gy can expose the algo­rithm. You are data. Now there is a QR code on our dri­vers license, your vot­er ID. When you go vote you will hold up the QR code and it will reg­is­ter your time, loca­tion you vot­ed. IF you ear­ly vot­ed and thats the data they want they know when, where and what time you vot­ed. Ear­ly vot­ing allows them to cre­ate an algo­rithm. Some­one knows how you vot­ed. IF and when we win back the House and Sen­ate we CANT be excit­ed to have an old drunk from OH be speak­er of the House. We have to not just vote red, and win red. But we have to stay on top of these can­di­dates to do the right thing for Amer­i­ca.

We will find out today about who real­ly cares about Paul Pelosi.

Trump makes announce­ment on Big Announce­ment on Nov 15

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