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It Is How The Campaign Is Run And How The Message Gets Out.

It is how the cam­paign is run and how the mes­sage gets out.

When Trump endorsed Don Bolduc. the gov­er­nor and Mitch McConnell turned their back on him. Did the guy lose because of stu­dent loan debt? Did he lose because he was Trump endorsed?

Why did­nt it work in Tx? The kids love Beto, he is a gen-xer hero. What did­nt the young vote work in Tx? Was­nt every­one angry with Abbott because he sent all the planes to NY. Why did Greg Abbott do so well in TX?

Every­one in pol­i­tics knew that Doug Mas­tri­ano could­nt win the state. Shapiro ran away with the gov­er­nors race in PA. This is one of the rea­sons that Dr. Oz lost. Mas­tri­ano is a good man, hon­est, but he is a ter­ri­ble can­di­date. He was Trump endorsed. There are some states that you have to accept that Trump went into and met­tle and picked the wrong can­di­date. The media would not talk to Mas­tri­ano. Going on Ban­nons War Room will not win a com­pet­i­tive statewide race. Mas­tri­ano would not do any of the local tv sta­tion pro­grams.

Every race that Don­ald Trump endorsed, all the net­works com­pared the races to the Biden Trump out­comes from 2020. Trump was on the screen all night long on all the net­works. What you are liv­ing in this morn­ing is the media manip­u­la­tion of our elec­tions. The great­est threat to our democ­ra­cy is the media. They are all TV pro­grams. They are grab­bing an audi­ence. It isn’t about sav­ing Amer­i­ca, it is about how much mon­ey they are mak­ing at the end of the day. The biggest thing is how to com­bat it. What if Trump would go away and play golf and leave every­thing alone. You cant tell me that we could­nt decide who could run this coun­try.

What if Trump announces he is run­ning for pres­i­dent next week? What if Pence announces? What if DeSan­tis announces? Will Mike Pence come to GA to ask for the endorse­ment. Is it time for Trump to back away and is it time to tell Dark MAGA no more, we got this.

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