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All Of The Finger Pointing Has Started, The Blame Game

All of the fin­ger point­ing has start­ed, the blame game. Every­thing was set for a red wave and we are still wait­ing to see the bal­ance of pow­er in the sen­ate. We may only have 1 or 2 for the bal­ance of pow­er in the house. We have a runoff for sen­ate in GA, is it deja vu all over again?

Sev­er­al pre­dic­tions were missed for being hope­ful that some of these democ­rats would lose their jobs. How did Dr. Oz lost and John Fet­ter­man, who had a stroke won? Peo­ple will say that it was Roe, but what did­nt that work in FL, GA, OH.

We have a run off here in GA. Her­schel Walk­er is behind a cou­ple 1000 votes. Bri­an Kemp is the luck­i­est politi­cian in Amer­i­ca. He won re-elec­tion in GA. What will the Chase Oliv­er fac­tor be in the Sen­ate runoff in GA.

It looks like Lex­alt will hang on and win in NV. There is a lot going on in AZ with Kel­ly up over Mas­ters. In WI it looks like John­son will hang on to his seat. So right now it looks like the bal­ance of pow­er will run through GA once again, with the runoff in Decem­ber. What hap­pened last time in a runoff.

GA repub­li­can sweep in the state offices. What does this say that Brad Raf­fensperg­er will come out with a win at 53.3%, with him as the most con­tro­ver­sial can­di­date in the coun­try.

Bri­an Kemp ran a cam­paign and did not tell the cit­i­zens of GA what he will do in the next term. Bri­an Kemp along with all the oth­er gov­er­nors received mon­ey from the Amer­i­can Recov­ery Act and was able to use the mon­ey as they saw fit. He had the mon­ey to come to your town and get your endorse­ment, teach­ers, edu­ca­tors, etc. he was able to spend the mon­ey and get your endorse­ment with­out telling you what he will do for his next term. We dont have a clue what he will do. The rea­son Warnock did not win last night in GA is because Stacey Abrams was on the bal­lot. If this would have been an off year and went head to head with Walk­er, it is pos­si­ble that Warnock would have won. Stacey Abrams drew all the ener­gy out of the democ­rats in GA. Abrams was a ter­ri­ble can­di­date. Bri­an Kemp did­nt win this great elec­tion over this great oppo­nent. The Abrams cam­paign was done before it was start­ed.

What hap­pened in FL? What hap­pened to the red wave? What made any­thing dif­fer­ent in FL. If you look at what Ron DeSan­tis has done in FL, some would call it the most extreme in pro­tect­ing our kids. DeSan­tis ran against a for­mer gov­er­nor of FL. Same with Mar­co Rubio. Why did this work in FL and not as well any­where else. It comes down to a sim­ple rea­son. Every­thing was in place for the red wave. In every state, repub­li­cans did­n’t stay focused.

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