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The Well Connected CEO of FTX and His Ponzi Crypto Scheme

Ama­zon plans to cut 10K jobs, twit­ter has cut half its staff and Face­book cuts 11K. In any uni­verse 25K jobs lost would be talked about.

Rudy will not face crim­i­nal charges, just after the elec­tions. They could­nt find a sliv­er of evi­dence to pros­e­cute Rudy. Rudys office was not where the Hunter Biden lap­top was stored.

Tal­iban adopts full Sharia law in Afghanistan one year after Bidens dis­as­trous with­draw­al. Any progress women made has been wiped out.

Elon Musk caus­es out­rage by scrap­ping free lunch­es at Twit­ter. The staff claims that Elon is starv­ing the staff.

Mike Pence insists there are bet­ter choic­es.

How about NBC sus­pend­ing its cor­re­spon­dent after the net­work was forced to retract an exclu­sive report on how Nan­cy Pelois hus­band Paul calm­ly opened the door to cops and then walked towards a ham­mer intrud­er who blud­geoned him.

The evil in the world. McCarthy, Pelosi and McConnell. McCarthy is rumored to do any­thing he has to do to get the job but a deal with Schumer or Biden will have eye watch­ing. Mitch McConnell is the most cor­rupt. He was major­i­ty leader in the sen­ate and he liked hold­ing Trump back. And he is just a con­ti­nent being minor­i­ty leader as long as Schumer gives him kick­backs.

Run­ning cov­er, what is real­ly dis­cussing here is how they have made a hero out of Zelen­sky. We know that Ukraine is cor­rupt and it is a laun­dro­mat for the cor­rupt politi­cians. Joe starts a war. As the war pro­gressed the world ele­vat­ed Zelen­skyy to Win­ston Churchill. He was fight­ing with his peo­ple while beg­ging the world to send him planes and bul­lets. Imme­di­ate­ly after the war start­ed, the Amer­i­can media manip­u­lat­ed you into wear­ing a rib­bon and sup­port­ing Ukraine. Mon­ey starts going to Ukraine and Zelen­skyy invests in the cryp­to cur­ren­cy and the 40 mil­lions get back to democ­rats. CNN is run­ning a cov­er for the guy, he is not in the same cat­e­go­ry as Zucker­burg and Musk. This should be the biggest sto­ry in Amer­i­ca and should leave peo­ple won­der­ing if elec­tions were manip­u­lat­ed. Sam is broke and stole every­one’s mon­ey. He filed bank­rupt­cy. What kind of sto­ry is CNN try­ing to run, group­ing Sam Bankman-Fried with Musk and Zucker­burg and then link­ing it to rate hikes.

Run­ning cov­er, try­ing to kill the real sto­ry. Every­one adores Sam and trash talk­ing Musk and Zucker­burg. Sam Bankman-Fried stole every­ones mon­ey and fun­neled your tax mon­ey from Ukraine to the demo­c­rat par­ty. Won­der if Joe is com­pro­mised in Ukraine now?

How the implo­sion of FTX con­nects to the glob­al elite. He had all the elite demo­c­rat donors eat­ing out of his hand. He had peo­ple doing com­mer­cials for him and big names invest­ing in him. When the com­pa­ny explod­ed last week the pub­lic noticed mul­ti­ple strings between the com­pa­ny, the demo­c­rat par­ty all run­ning through Ukraine. Now we could­nt find this out before the elec­tion or before ear­ly vot­ing. What hap­pened after Tues­day it took a total week to get the count, to get the house, lose the sen­ate, etc.

Imme­di­ate­ly the users found some­thing out and sud­den­ly with­drew $6 bil­lion after the arti­cle pub­lished by Coin­Desk revealed that the two arms of the Bankman cryp­tocur­ren­cy empire, FTX and Alame­da Research, had a sig­nif­i­cant over­lap on the bal­ance sheets. He tried to pull off a Ponzi cryp­to scheme. Sam resigned Fri­day and the com­pa­ny filed bank­rupt­cy.

Sam comes from a well con­nect­ed fam­i­ly. The media runs a nar­ra­tive but they dont tell these sto­ries. His father is a tax schol­ar at Stan­ford Law. His moth­er leads Mind the Gap, the polit­i­cal action com­mit­tee rais­es funds for the demo­c­rat par­ty from Sil­i­con Val­ley donors. His aunt is the dean of Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty and co-chair of the WEF Glob­al Future Coun­cil. The cor­rup­tion is so bad. This is where jour­nal­ism goes to die. Some­how 40 mil­lion dol­lars land­ed in demo­c­rat pock­ets dur­ing the midterms. No media cov­er­age, no inves­ti­ga­tion.

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