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The Whole Circle In What They Are Doing

The whole cir­cle in what they are doing. Mon­day night at mid­night over a week after the elec­tion anoth­er denier denied in AZ. Az is a state that isnt heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed and they have mail in elec­tion sys­tems and ear­ly vot­ing. It isnt like they do 2 mil­lion paper bal­lots the day of and thats what takes so long. If you line the scan­ner up and push the bal­lots through there there is no way it takes a week. They have declared Katie Hobbs the win­ner while she ran a Joe Biden cam­paign.

The 72 Dol­phins are the only unde­feat­ed team in the NFL. We only had the Sears cat­a­log and that is where the kids would pur­chase their favorite NFL team jer­sey.

Cryp­tocur­ren­cy. Nan­cy Pelosi made sure that we had nation­al COVID elec­tions. Trump’s hands were tied. But we start­ed print­ing tril­lions of dol­lars. And we have zucker­bucks and they would fund the mobile vot­ing van. They took them to the mall, nurs­ing homes, and hos­pi­tals. Zucker­bucks helped us buy all the drop box­es in GA. They allowed coun­tries to take out­side dona­tions to help pay for staff and drop box­es. After all the drop box­es were put in place and the elec­tion was stolen and then all these states came out about drop box­es yet they remain. Before the 2020 elec­tion and SB202, (the bill that made it eas­i­er to vote and hard­er to cheat) before that bill drop box­es were ille­gal. Most of you made the drop box­es legal through emer­gency orders. When they start­ed send­ing out mon­ey to help with covid elec­tions, they had to be open to covid drop box­es because peo­ple did­nt want to go in and stand in line. We had been groomed to stand where the spots were and go in the direc­tion of the arrows. Dont for­get it. Emer­gency pow­ers, drop box­es and mail in bal­lots. SB202 made the drop box­es legal.

So we start­ed a war in Ukraine at an oppor­tune time. Dur­ing covid they print­ed all this mon­ey and the states had tril­lions of dol­lars the gov­er­nors had this mon­ey at their dis­cre­tion to spend. They did­nt care they were kick­start­ing an infla­tion on the amer­i­can. 4.5 bil­lion dol­lars went to Bri­an Kemp to use at his dis­cre­tion with no over­sight. This ties to the cryp­to boy.

Sununu in NH but they did­nt like Gen­er­al Bolduc. They love Bri­an Kemp and he won an enor­mous reelec­tion. Both had bil­lions of dol­lars to spend at their dis­cre­tion. Only open gov­er­nor races like AZ was there a bat­tle. Gov­er­nors that were seek­ing reelec­tion did very well. Whit­mer would even let peo­ple go by seeds to plant a gar­den but she got bil­lions of dol­lars to spend. You have to put all this into per­spec­tive. There is a line of total BS they want you to believe. Stacey Abrams is a smart per­son. Stacey is now a mul­ti mil­lion­aire, los­ing paid off for Stacey. Now talk­ing about a nation­al spot. How do you do that? Win­ning is not what always pays in pol­i­tics. Stacey knew Kemp had 4.5 mil­lion from democ­rats and she chose to run for office think­ing she would win. They have been pass­ing tril­lions of dol­lars and steal­ing the mon­ey, while this print­ing con­tin­ues. If you steal a mil­lion dol­lars, 8.5% unem­ploy­ment does­nt hurt. But if you dont have the mil­lion then the 8.5% would hurt. They stole the cof­fers of the Amer­i­can peo­ple dry and they all knew that it would blow up inter­est rates and infla­tion but they got their mil­lions.

The fear of stand­ing in line and get­ting close to some­one and dying was all a set up to steal the elec­tion.

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