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SO BE IT — Mike Pence and Donald Trump

Big Announce­ment com­ing tonight from Don­ald Trump from Mar-a-Lago.

The media is work­ing to put all of the repub­li­cans into a spin because they need a tv show. All of the net­work can­not wait for Trump to announce. Trump is their cash cow. Once Trump becomes the can­di­date the cov­er­age is going to be dif­fer­ent. It will be: will he be indict­ed? What will Jan 6 do? Ron DeSan­tis is run­ning too and Mike Pence is run­ning also. The media can’t wait.

The Kari Lake elec­tion is not where we are at right now.

They have been polling out now that DeSan­tis is polling high­er than Trump. With Kari Lake will he be able to talk about his wins. Will he be able to run for reelec­tion with all his los­es.

Pence on Trump: we will have bet­ter choic­es in the future.

Bri­an Kemp has been sub­poe­naed. Kemp had it pushed off until after the elec­tion. It is unknown if Kemps attor­neys went to say that the elec­tion cycle is still in place and try to get it pushed back until after the run off. Did that hap­pen? Or did Kemp say he won his elec­tion and he is done and could what he says be help­ful to Mike Pence?

What hap­pens if Mike Pence runs, then he comes to GA and Bri­an Kemp stand on the stage and they raise arms and he endors­es my friend Mike Pence. If Mike thinks that Bri­an Kemp is the right guy to be his run­ning mate. Watch and what hap­pens to Trump sup­port­ers in GA.

Amer­i­ca where Jour­nal­ism goes to Die. The third rail­road work­ers union rejects the pro­posed con­tract. Remem­ber when Biden saved the rail­road strike.

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