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If All The Leaders In The Republican Party Remain The Same, It Remains The Same.

Mike Pence has a book that comes out tomor­row and Trump is sup­posed to announce tomor­row to take the news cycle away from Pence. They want you to think about Jan 6. Pence came to GA and cam­paigned for Bri­an Kemp twice. Do you think if Pence announces that he will run for pres­i­dent that Bri­an Kemp wont endorse him? Maybe Kemp audi­tioned for VP and to bring GA with him.

Biden said that the Amer­i­can peo­ple made it clear that repub­li­cans are to work with Joe Biden. Paul Ryan say­ing that Trump is a drag on the tick­et. Noth­ing about the dis­par­i­ty of the mon­ey. Noth­ing about can­di­dates cam­paign­ing with AZ, NH, GA, NV.

Best since JFK What a per­for­mance.. The destruc­tion of MAGA con­tin­ues. Not one of them is talk­ing about the actu­al cor­rup­tion. But they want to fix the extrem­ism. Sununu had all the mon­ey, sup­port and back­ing that he need­ed. But Don Bolduc did­nt have the same sup­port. If Bolduc had 36 mil­lion and Has­sen had 36 mil­lion, then Bolduc lost. Then we could say that peo­ple want to stop extrem­ism.

Has Walk­er made a deal with Kemp and wont allow Trump to come to GA to cam­paign. Who will come to GA? Chris Christie knows Bri­an Kemp. There is some­thing that is going on. Bri­an Kemp hates Don­ald Trump. If Bri­an Kemp has any­thing to do with it Trump will not be in GA.

If Mitch McConnell ends up the minor­i­ty leader again and no one has the nerve to push back on this guy. That would be the only thing that would be the first and most impres­sive thing that the repub­li­cans learned on what Mitch McConnell did dur­ing these elec­tions. If all the lead­ers in the repub­li­can par­ty remain the same, it remains the same.

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