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Is It Time For A Leadership Change?


275K bal­lot dump in AZ that should have closed the gap between Blake Mas­ters and Mark Kel­ly that Blake Mas­ters nev­er gained a vote. That is what they want you to believe. 

The par­ty is open right now. Trump is prob­a­bly the front run­ner, but the par­ty is open. The media wants you to get past it. Bill Cas­sidy doesn’t talk about the mon­ey, the dif­fer­ence of what was spent, the democ­rats did the work they need­ed to do to save the sen­ate. Those that are aligned with the past didn’t per­form. The repub­li­can par­ty needs to explain to the coun­try where they want the coun­try to go. 

What hap­pened to the good ole days when repub­li­cans had a check­list of what they stood for. Did the can­di­dates that align them­selves with the past wait for the last mail in bal­lot dumps. Cas­sidy wants you to believe that we are look­ing for bipar­ti­san leg­is­la­tion. Mitch McConnell decid­ed that these can­di­dates were not accept­able, that there wasn’t an agen­da to run on. And we know that! 

Is it time for a lead­er­ship change? Did Mitch help raise mon­ey for AZ, GA, NV, NH? We have a race in NV that only 6K votes that was the last batch that land­ed for the democ­rats. And Mitch McConnell was the one that pulled our chest­nuts out of the fire to win the elections. 

IF you think the democ­rats are the prob­lem, and this is the tweet that we get from the GOP chair­woman. “Amer­i­cans shouldn’t be wait­ing days after an elec­tion to know the results. We have to do bet­ter.” What about there is some­thing wrong here? We not only have to do bet­ter we have to stop this corruption. 

Repub­li­cans engaged is a code word for Chuck Schumer say­ing that he will allow a cer­tain num­ber of repub­li­cans to get in on this. And $$ might be found in a nephew’s bank account. 

The base loves Trump and they haven’t turned on Trump. 

This vic­to­ry belongs to Joe Biden, if Joe Biden wouldn’t have sent all the mon­ey to Ukraine. 

The Debt Ceil­ing removal. The Unit­ed States has to hon­or its oblig­a­tions. There is a point you can’t pay. It’s a shame that Eliz­a­beth War­ren doesn’t under­stand that. 

The democ­rats are not going to tell you that they have mil­lions of dol­lars from dark mon­ey. But repub­li­cans going on there and not call­ing out the cor­rup­tion is sickening. 

Elec­tion denial­ism is a means to an end. What is the point any­more? Vot­ers pun­ish Trump backed can­di­dates. Noth­ing about the money. 

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