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Arizona Still Has An Ongoing Election

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In AZ they still have an elec­tion going on. AZ coun­ty delays cer­ti­fy­ing its elec­tion results in a polit­i­cal state­ment protest­ing the issues with Mari­co­pa Coun­ty as AG demands expla­na­tion for why results in Kari Lakes state took so long. Mari­co­pa coun­ty is still count­ing bal­lots after print­er prob­lems, tab­u­la­tion errors and 3‑hr long lines, con­fus­ing instruc­tions giv­en by elec­tion offi­cials made this elec­tion day the most chaot­ic in AZ his­to­ry. This is vot­er sup­pres­sion. It is total­ly being ignored. This was set up on pur­pose. They know that repub­li­cans vote on elec­tion day. They made sure every­thing is cor­rect for ear­ly vot­ing and mail in vot­ing but the same day loca­tion vot­ing is where every­thing has to go wrong. Katie Hobbs is the unof­fi­cial gov­er­nor elect of AZ for not cam­paign­ing or debat­ing Kari Lake. Hobbs is the Sec­re­tary of State. When there is an elec­tion day, every precinct has to be set up to antic­i­pate that every reg­is­tered vot­er will vote.

Now Phar­ma­cists run out of Chil­drens Tylenol after a crip­pling antibi­ot­ic short­age. Amer­i­ca is run­ning out of four child antibi­otics and flu drugs as kids bear the brunt of triple­dem­ic. Are we going to let this guy (Fau­ci) retire and get away with mur­der? MTG dont let Fau­ci get away with mur­der.

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