Home / News / US Agrees To Pay Up To A Billion In Climate Reparations

US Agrees To Pay Up To A Billion In Climate Reparations

The US gov­ern­ment agreed to pay cli­mate repa­ra­tions up to a bil­lion dol­lars to poor coun­tries under the 2015 Paris Accords. Remem­ber Trump got us out of the Paris Cli­mate Accords. And Biden got us back in. These are just slush funds that they steal out of.

Egg prices at gro­cery stores hyper­in­flate ahead of thanks­giv­ing. 37 mil­lion egg lay­ing hens died this year result­ing in 10% of egg pro­duc­tion. What is the Biden admin­is­tra­tion doing about this eggs, baby for­mu­la, antibi­ot­ic short­age, tylenol etc. Biden has been a dis­as­ter his entire polit­i­cal career.

Ice Cube says he missed out on a $9 mil­lion film role after he refused to get vac­ci­nat­ed for covid.

Vend­ing machines for nar­can, a fen­tanyl anti­dote. A small town of 7K has to restock the vend­ing machine 7 times in a month. Opi­oid deaths exceed 75K this year.

They are going to get Trump’s tax­es. They’ve got to see Trumps tax­es. They will leak them. It will be like the pen­ta­gon papers. There will be a kid at night think­ing they are sav­ing the coun­try and then the NY times or Wash­ing­ton post will have the tax returns real soon. They cleared the way to get them before the house switched to repub­li­can.

Club Q shoot­ing sus­pect is non-bina­ry, who the hell cares? He is a mur­der­er. Why is it impor­tant to find out how he iden­ti­fies? The guy at the Wal­mart, he is a mur­der­er. 5 counts of 1st degree mur­der, 5 counts of bias-moti­vat­ed crimes. What are bias-moti­vat­ed crimes?

Is Fau­ci going to get away with mur­der.

Look up the Just the News sto­ry: New Trump spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor over­turned by Supreme Court, tied to IRS scan­dal. This guy Jack Smith is set up to indict Trump. They will get the tax returns in the house and they will be leaked.

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