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Mental Health Is Research On Your Kids.

Author of a dis­gust­ing Amer­i­can Girl Doll book that encour­ages puber­ty block­ers for kids claimed it helped them learn to love them­selves and boast­ed about turn­ing chil­dren into cli­mate change activists. BKP is deter­mined to pro­tect our chil­dren. He will not sit back and allow them to tell chil­dren to take puber­ty block­ers. The biggest gim­mick mov­ing is the men­tal health reforms and new leg­is­la­tion that puts more mon­ey into men­tal health. What will hap­pen is there will be a lot of mon­ey that will use your chil­dren as research. Men­tal health is research on your kids.
There are peo­ple out­side our gov­ern­ment build­ings that are curled up in their sleep­ing bags sleep­ing out­side. Now those peo­ple have men­tal health prob­lems. They are not there because they want to be. Thats the men­tal health prob­lem in this coun­try, that the drug prob­lem we have in this coun­try. That is where we need to spend our mon­ey. But they want you to cheer for the chang­ing of our kids and change them into research. There isnt any par­ent in Amer­i­ca that should send their kids to school as Bob­by and they come home Bar­bara. We have to get clar­i­ty, we have to get con­trol. We have to have some­one at the state cap­i­tal that will stand up and say no.
While we are talk­ing about men­tal health. The media plays the triple­dem­ic fears. We know what hap­pened and why our kids’ immune sys­tem is low.
Are our rep­re­sen­ta­tives going to have the guts in the State House and in the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to stand up for our kids and do what is right?
Every repub­li­can, the house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives, repub­li­cans need to stand up and pro­tect our kids, our par­ents. We are sit­ting here as a repub­li­can par­ty try­ing to fig­ure out why Ron DeSan­tis won in a land­slide in FL, Youngkin won in VA. The media is try­ing to stop the all out attacks and change the nar­ra­tive to shut down can­di­dates.
Before all this mon­ey goes out the door for COVID, we need to help the peo­ple in the gut­ter. But they want to take our mon­ey for the tran­si­tion of our kids with­out par­ent knowl­edge and send our mon­ey to Ukraine. And the media wants to talk about Trump 24 hours a day.
IF your can­di­date does­nt say cam­paign finance reform is not an issue, we have a prob­lem. The influ­ences in our elec­tions and tak­en in a way from WE the peo­ple, we have a prob­lem. Elec­tions have become a TV show.

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