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The Sickness Of The Left Is To Politicize The Nashville Christian School Shooting

  • The lib­er­al media has gone into over­drive say­ing that the repub­li­cans aren’t going to do what needs to be done for gun violence. 
  • The law enforce­ment offi­cer and the entire team moved towards the shots fired. Hero Nashville cop who took down trans­gen­der school shoot­er is a Marine Corps vet. 
  • We have a whole nation of kids that are strug­gling with their iden­ti­ty and who they are. We have put plans of tran­si­tion­ing in school systems. 
  • Mur­dered Nashville prin­ci­pal ran towards the trans shoot­er to pro­tect her chil­dren after hear­ing the first shot. 
  • Hate has con­se­quences: trans sup­port group blames GOP anti-trans leg­is­la­tion for TN school shoot­ing calls Audrey Hale’s death a tragedy and demands media call shoot­er he/him
  • The sick­ness of the left is to politi­cize this, mon­e­tize this, and to use it to their advan­tage in the next elec­tion cycle to say that if they had the pow­er they could have changed this. They are going to play on the emo­tions of the mothers. 
  • No dis­cus­sion on any media that these were Chris­tians. The nar­ra­tive would have been dif­fer­ent if it was Jew­ish or Mus­lims were mur­dered. But the sto­ry is that a trans­gen­der tar­get­ed Chris­tians. Biden jokes he doesn’t believe Chris­tians were tar­get­ed in the Nashville shoot­ing if Sen Haw­ley does. 
  • The Nashville shoot­er was under a doctor’s care for emo­tion­al disorder. 
  • Sen­ate chap­lain says law­mak­ers must move beyond thoughts and prayers after Nashville shooting
  • 1680 young peo­ple died in acts of gun vio­lence in 2022. 
  • MSNBC head­line: House Repub­li­cans appear unlike­ly to put for­ward new gun legislation
  • Twit­ter bans Fed­er­al­ist CEO Sean Davis from tweet­ing for fac­tu­al report­ing on “Trans Day of Vengeance” fol­low­ing Nashville shoot­ing. Davis Tweet: “The cold=blooded mass mur­der at a Chris­t­ian school in Nashville by an appar­ent trans­gen­der per­son came just days before a planned Trans Dave of Vengeance orga­nized by the Trans Rad­i­cal Activist Network”
  • The left hates so bad­ly that dri­ves them to vio­lence. You see, the extreme right showed up in Waco last week­end and they didn’t destroy the town. 
  • The lies that Biden and his par­ty told that hurt our chil­dren. It is total evil. We were hop­ing you would want to teach the kids to read and write when they were locked down in quar­an­tine. But Biden doesn’t under­stand how the dam­age was done to the young peo­ple los­ing their mind and san­i­ty. You don’t lock some­one away before they snap, this is not the cause. Now NYT turns on Fau­ci: for­mer Chi­na cor­re­spon­dent slams COVID tsar’s efforts to tamp down lab leak the­o­ry, lies about effec­tive­ness of masks and keen­ness to impose strin­gent lock­down rules. But this didn’t have any­thing to do with the men­tal state of our kids. 
  • The media mis­rep­re­sents the def­i­n­i­tion often. Dur­ing the elec­tion cycle they repeat­ed Save the Democ­ra­cy. There is a dif­fer­ence in your con­sti­tu­tion­al rights and a priv­i­lege. You feel that the con­sti­tu­tion trumps every­thing. We as a soci­ety have cho­sen that dri­ving is a priv­i­lege where some peo­ple think it is a con­sti­tu­tion­al right. When they say Guns is the one area… guns are a right and not a priv­i­lege. The found­ing fathers didn’t intend a felony to take away a con­sti­tu­tion­al right. We have devel­oped our judi­cial sys­tem to take away the rights of indi­vid­u­als. The media is talk­ing about the right to have guns as a privilege. 

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