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The Outrageous Ugly Truth


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

As Abra­ham Lin­coln once said, Amer­i­ca will nev­er be cap­tured from the out­side, but by its ene­mies with­in. That warn­ing is becom­ing man­i­fest. We see it’s the Demo­c­rat Par­ty that is Amer­i­ca’s ene­my with­in. Now that the long hid­den 06 Jan­u­ary 2021 video tapes of for­mer Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi’s claimed insur­rec­tion by Trumps MAGA con­ser­v­a­tives, long with­held from pub­lic scruti­ny have final­ly been revealed on Fox’s Tuck­er Carl­son show. It becomes glar­ing­ly appar­ent who are Amer­i­ca’s real crim­i­nals in this dra­mat­ic episode. It includes the Capi­tol Police, DoJ, FBI and Pelosi and most all Democ­rats who work in those chambers. 

Except for the Capi­tol Police Lt. who shot Ash­ley Bab­bitt to death, a homi­cide in fact, most of the pro­test­ers arrest­ed on site or lat­er appre­hend­ed at their homes in oth­er states by Mer­rick Gar­land’s FBI Gestapo hit squads, noth­ing shown in those videos ever rose above the lev­el of a mere infrac­tion or mis­de­meanor. Even the goof ball QAnon Shaman in the buf­fa­lo hat was escort­ed through­out the halls of Con­gress by Capi­tol police yet he was charged as a felon and treat­ed as a dan­ger­ous domes­tic ter­ror­ist feel­ing the sting of Demo­c­rat ret­ri­bu­tion for chal­leng­ing the stolen pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, the one that installed the dement­ed Joe Biden.

The expo­sure of the videos is dan­ger­ous to Democ­rats.  Attorney’s for the arrestees may soon have a law­suit ball exon­er­at­ing their clients from the years long tor­tur­ous mis­han­dling, tri­als and incar­cer­a­tion at the hands of the Demo­c­rat par­ty for mere mis­de­meanors. If the many reports are also true that Wash­ing­ton DC Jail­ers engaged in bru­tal phys­i­cal mis­han­dling of many of those arrestees are true, then cer­tain­ly some peo­ple in the Demo­c­rat par­ty sys­tem had bet­ter “lawyer up” because Amer­i­ca is com­ing after ‘em. That rais­es the ques­tion of the DC Judi­cia­ry. If the video evi­dence now being revealed is true, and they saw it, why did they go along with what was clear­ly an uncon­sti­tu­tion­al appli­ca­tion of law against mere tres­pass­er mis­de­meanants? Are their names to be found on Jef­fery Epstein’s client list too? 

The 06 Jan­u­ary event saw hun­dreds of peo­ple lit­er­al­ly invit­ed into the Capi­tol Build­ing by police, most who only thought it an oppor­tu­ni­ty to sight­see and stroll around the Capi­tol’s inte­ri­or. The Capi­tol is the peo­ple’s house where many found them­selves protest­ing because they knew the 2020 elec­tion was stolen. But, being right or wrong is irrel­e­vant if peo­ple can’t express their opin­ions with­out fear. Ask any Demo­c­rat. They do it all the time! And yet, this event was weaponized by Nan­cy Pelosi who schemed with the Depart­ment of Jus­tice and the DC gov­ern­ment to pound the crap out of peo­ple as ret­ri­bu­tion for doubt­ing the good inten­tions of the polit­i­cal class. When the FBI’s round-up was com­plet­ed, scores of peo­ple were impris­oned for mere tres­pass­ing, and many were sen­tenced to terms that even most vio­lent crim­i­nals in Blue Cities and States don’t expe­ri­ence today. What is cer­tain is that no insur­rec­tion occurred. A protest, yes! but, when all this shakes out, as it will, those peo­ple who spent any­time in jail will have the term “polit­i­cal pris­on­er” to proud­ly add to their resumes. Not so the tyran­ni­cal creeps who con­duct­ed the inqui­si­tion tri­als against inno­cent folks. 

The treach­ery of RiNO’s Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger has been dealt with. They have been dis­en­fran­chised so their opin­ion, except as indi­vid­ual vot­ers or OpEd writ­ers, doesn’t count any­more. This tawdry busi­ness of Sovi­et Style show tri­als will final­ly run its course. We must now not be dis­tract­ed but turn our atten­tion to the South­ern bor­der. Mexico’s unin­tend­ed act of war against Amer­i­can tourists, for what­ev­er rea­son they were there, still remains basi­cal­ly unad­dressed by our gov­ern­ment. We will have a kinet­ic war with the Drug Car­tels with or with­out the gov­ern­ment of Mex­i­co who must either help or get out of the way. The prob­lem of Chi­nese espi­onage still exists pur­chas­ing their way into the basics of Amer­i­can com­merce, infect­ing our edu­ca­tion­al sys­tems with com­mu­nism and intro­duc­ing their spies into every com­pa­ny and insti­tu­tion in Amer­i­ca. Thou­sands of Chi­nese stu­dents are in Amer­i­ca. To ini­ti­ate the recov­ery, can­cel their visas and send ‘em home. We’ve got to start somewhere.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (08Mar23)

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