Sub­mit­ted byJAMES CALHOUN
A friend of mine and I were talk­ing about the upcom­ing elec­tion and he pre­sent­ed to me some of the rea­sons why I should vote for the Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­dates. After hear­ing his rea­son­ing I am tru­ly ques­tion­ing my past vot­ing record.
So here are the rea­sons he pre­sent­ed to me, and why I am con­sid­er­ing chang­ing my vot­ing pat­tern.
I love the fact that can now mar­ry who­ev­er or what­ev­er I want. I have to admit that I have fall­en in love with a beau­ti­ful deer that walks by my cab­in each morn­ing, I real­ly won­der if she would accept my pro­pos­al?
I do believe that oil com­pa­nies prof­its of 4 per­cent a gal­lon are out­ra­geous while the gov­ern­ment tax­es it at 15 per­cent.
I tru­ly believe that the gov­ern­ment does a bet­ter job of spend­ing my mon­ey that I earn than I can. Could that be why Social Secu­ri­ty is bank­rupt?
I have ben told that I am too irre­spon­si­ble to own a gun, and I know that the police are all I will ever need to pro­tect me from mur­ders, rapists and thieves. Plus I am so thank­ful for a 911 sys- tem that will get the police to my home in order to iden­ti­fy my body after a crime has been com­mit­ted.
I am so hap­py that the Democ­rats are inter­est in birth con­trol by abort­ing mil­lions of babies and assist­ing in keep­ing a con­trol on pop­u­la­tion growth.
Democ­rats are vey seri­ous about prison reform, so much so that they are releas­ing con­vict­ed felons and keep­ing death row inmates alive and com­fort­able.
I have also seen the light because I do think that ille­gal aliens have the right to free health care, even though I pay thou­sands of dol­lars a year for mine. Plus they should get free edu­ca­tion, free college(even though my daugh­ters col­lege cost me $60,000) and they are enti­tled to Social Secu­ri­ty ben­e­fits with­out pay­ing into the sys­tem as I have for 45 years. That is only fair.
I tru­ly believe that the Democ­rats have a great busi­ness mod­el for the coun­try, no busi­ness should be allowed to make a prof­it. They need to break even and give all their prof­its to the gov­ern­ment to be redis­trib­uted as the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty sees fit.
I think that I may vote Demo­c­ra­t­ic because I believe in lib­er­al judges who want to rewrite the Con­sti­tu­tion every few years to suit the fringe vot­ing groups who have no con­cept of the real world and who could nev­er get their agen­das passed in Con­gress.
Last­ly, I want to con­tin­u­ing buy­ing oil from Rus­sia, Sau­di Ara­bia and Iran so that we can keep our coun­try safe for endan­gered species, with the hope that the­ses coun­tries will stop hat­ing us and sign on to the Green New Deal.
I am so thank­ful for my bud­dy explain­ing every­thing to me, but the more I think about it, maybe not this elec­tion.
“The dif­fer­ence between genius and stu­pid­i­ty is that genius has its lim­its”

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