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OPINION: Crimes Without Consequences


Sub­mit­ted by: George McClellan

Amer­i­ca is awash with crime. George Soros’ suc­cess­ful­ly fund­ed cam­paigns for Pro­gres­sive Dis­trict Attor­neys in major Blue cities while we weren’t look­ing, have turned those once won­der­ful gems of Amer­i­c­as growth and pros­per­i­ty into squalid cesspools of filth, drugs, home­less­ness, mur­der and oth­er crimes, lots of crimes, all acer­bat­ed by rad­i­cal polit­i­cal groups demand­ing that Amer­i­c­as “Woke” cor­po­ra­tions donate lib­er­al­ly to their rad­i­cal destruc­tion of Amer­i­ca. These are all crimes with­out consequence’s, but, what do we expect?

Our gov­ern­ment is at war with Amer­i­ca. That is why we can’t com­pre­hend the open crim­i­nal­i­ty  we are see­ing every­day putting these crimes down to a dement­ed Joe Biden. Not so! While Joe may be in his final stages of demen­tia, the destruc­tion of Amer­i­ca is unfold­ing exact­ly as the Rad­i­cal Left has planned. Joe is just a tool, like he is for the CCP which made him and his son paid, unreg­is­tered agents of a for­eign gov­ern­ment. There are two bat­tal­ions of ene­mies work­ing togeth­er to bring us down, the Demo­c­rat Par­ty (they don’t deny it) and the media that pro­tects and pro­pa­gan­dizes every­thing the rad­i­cal Pro­gres­sive Left attempts to do, like clas­si­fy­ing Antifa and BLM riot­ers as “peace­ful pro­test­ers” while try­ing to con­vince us that the true def­i­n­i­tion of ter­ror­ism lies with White Trump sup­port­ers, such as the real peace­ful pro­test­ers of 6 Jan­u­ary. It’s no secret that Nan­cy Pelosi orches­trat­ed the vio­lence in the capi­tol build­ing by refus­ing Trumps call for the Nation­al Guard, by with­draw­ing some Capi­tol police on the known day of the event, by open­ing key entry points and by direct­ing Capi­tol police to wave peo­ple into the Con­gres­sion­al offices. It is no secret that the cor­rupt FBI imbed­ded agent provo­ca­teurs to encour­age the entry of oth­er­wise inno­cents into the build­ing. That’s an admin­is­tra­tive crime called entrap­ment. We know the FBI eager­ly threw them­selves into Hillary’s scheme to dis­cred­it Don­ald Trump as a Russ­ian Agent. Except for a cou­ple low lev­el fir­ings, where were the con­se­quences for a crim­i­nal FBI Direc­tor and his underlings?

But the real ongo­ing crimes that should con­cern us, that we basi­cal­ly ignore, includ­ing our elect­ed Repub­li­can offi­cials, and I don’t mean these pet­ty lit­tle street crimes that fill the pages of our dai­ly news, but the real crimes of the Polit­i­cal­ly Elite, like the Clin­tons, the Pelosi’s and the Biden’s, that have pulled our coun­try to the thresh­old of social­ism while enrich­ing them­selves at our expense. They con­tin­ue unabat­ed with­out con­se­quences. Hillary Clinton’s list of felony offens­es is pages long all unac­count­ed for. For exam­ple, the Arkansas White Water land deal, The Rose Law firm mat­ter, the Beng­hazi deba­cle that killed four Amer­i­cans and lying about it say­ing to Con­gress say­ing: “What Dif­fer­ence Does it Make?” Her Trav­el gate exer­cise in polit­i­cal cor­rup­tion that cost many peo­ple their jobs, while she gave the $31 mil­lion dol­lar trav­el busi­ness to her friends; Her involve­ment in Vince Fos­ters death alter­ing a crime scene before police inves­ti­ga­tors arrived; Her Hillary-Care fias­co that cost tax­pay­ers $32 Mil­lion dol­lars and ulti­mate­ly cost the Demo­c­rat gov­ern­ment to lose con­trol. She sold Amer­i­c­as raw ura­ni­um deposits to Rus­sia through a sub­terfuge and orches­trat­ed the pho­ny claim that Trump was a Russ­ian agent end­ing up cost­ing Amer­i­can tax­pay­ers mil­lions of dol­lars to prove oth­er­wise. Hillary used her posi­tion as Sec­re­tary of State to shake down for­eign gov­ern­ments to con­tribute to her “Clin­ton Foun­da­tion” because of her sup­posed influ­ence in Oba­mas regime. A quick Google Check will add many more offens­es to Clin­tons lega­cy. So far, except for the expense of her mas­sive lawyer bills, she has suf­fered no con­se­quences at all ie: Jail.

The Bidens of course, as a crime fam­i­ly, are now front and cen­ter because Joe, the hair sniff­ing fam­i­ly Patri­arch hap­pened to be wicked­ly ele­vat­ed to pres­i­dent of the USA instead of head­ed for prison as an unreg­is­tered agent of a for­eign gov­ern­ment, engaged in mas­sive bribery. He told us so. Evi­dence enough from Hunter Biden’s mis­laid lap top not only shows Hunter Biden as a full fledged drug and sex degen­er­ate and influ­ence ped­dler, but that his father, Joe, was inti­mate­ly involved with Hunters wicked enter­pris­es. What are the con­se­quences for them? None it would appear. If these prob­lems aren’t cor­rect­ed, Amer­i­ca is fin­ished! Return Trump!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (05Aug22)

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