Home / News / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — Winners and Losers of the Week, August 26, 2022

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — Winners and Losers of the Week, August 26, 2022

Last weeks episode with Dr. Tid­man was awe­some. How he said that every­one that makes the rules should have account­abil­i­ty.

The turn­around of the med­ical direc­tor in WA, from demand­ing the stu­dents wear the masks to now con­demn­ing them because her son has had speech prob­lems due to the mask.

Wash­ing­ton DC may­or, Bows­er, has banned unvaxed stu­dents and man­dat­ed the stu­dents to wear the mask. There arent any plans for zoom class­es or alter­na­tive means of instruc­tion.

The treat­ment is going to be more fatal than the actu­al dis­ease. Last night at the Ral­ly in Mary­land, The Pres­i­dent hung his hat on the Hero’s Act of 2003 for the Stu­dent For­give­ness say­ing that we are in the mid­dle of a pan­dem­ic.

There are so many peo­ple that are defend­ing it. But its a bad idea. The US gov­ern­ment is so in debt and we are going to bor­row mon­ey at these high inter­est rates to pay off these debts. Why did­nt the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment man­date the col­leges to pay this debt with all the endow­ments that they have.

How can the pres­i­dent spend all the mon­ey? He cant but it would get reversed until it gets to the Supreme Court. Accord­ing to 2010 and what they put in place, Biden can do what he wants because the gov­ern­ment took over the stu­dent loans. And until it gets in front of the supreme court. They feel they have all the rights to do this because of all the bureau­cra­cies and rules they have in place.

There are mil­lions that have stand­ing to bring a suit against the gov­ern­ment for the debt for­give­ness. Mil­lions could­nt go to school because the debt was so huge that they took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to go to school.

If you are mak­ing 125K a year you should have enough to make the pay­ments. Now to do the appli­ca­tions the depart­ment of edu­ca­tion is already say­ing they dont have enough peo­ple in their depart­ment are they going to hire more peo­ple to process these appli­ca­tions.

When you have been pro­grammed and you watch all these lib­er­al left media and they have been to the indoc­tri­na­tion cen­ters. But they are hav­ing these mem­o­ries where they are try­ing to fig­ure out if this is right. And they are start­ing to fig­ure out the edu­ca­tion car­tel. If you take 100 peo­ple, 90 are unhap­py with the announce­ment.

When Amer­i­ca’s small busi­ness did what they were sup­posed to do for the PPP loans and they had the expec­ta­tion of hav­ing it for­giv­en. But with the stu­dent loans, the stu­dents signed the doc­u­ments say­ing they will pay back when out of school and could have a 6 month defer­ment until they found a job.

Will the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion give a gift receipt which will cause them to have to pay tax­es on the mon­ey gift­ed.

Mary­land Nation­al Bank paid Biden sev­er­al times the price of his house in exchange for the amend­ment on the Bank­rupt­cy act in 2005. And they also hired Hunter Biden as a con­sul­tant for 100K a year. The amend­ment would exclude cred­it card debt. Delaware is where all the cred­it card com­pa­nies are. They were Bidens largest donors for all his cam­paigns. He does­nt get asked about his deal­ings

Trump got raid­ed on the doc­u­ments that we inven­to­ried in May and he was instruct­ed to store and pad­lock. The affi­davit is com­ing out today and will be redact­ed.

Adam Kinzinger sev­er­al months ago released the death threat and it got talked about for 2 days. This week MTG was SWAT­ed and for­tu­nate­ly she did­nt go to the door with­out her gun. The inten­tion was to have MTG killed by going to the door with the gun in her hand, called Death by Police. Then the caller called back say­ing they were angry with MTG for her trans­gen­der bill. In the con­ver­sa­tion with BKP yes­ter­day, she explains why she is such a threat to the left.

Mitch McConnell wants RINOs that he can con­trol and if he cant get those he will take a demo­c­rat that Schumer can con­trol. McConnell and Schumer are friends and know how to work the gov­ern­ment. They dont need any rene­gades. That is why Trump could­nt get elect­ed because he is not part of the sys­tem.

Win­ners and Losers

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