Home / News / All the hypothetical polls across the states, Trump is beating Biden.

All the hypothetical polls across the states, Trump is beating Biden.


All the hypo­thet­i­cal polls across the states, Trump is beat­ing biden. If Trump is win­ning in the hypo­thet­i­cal at the same time they are try­ing to put Trump on the bal­lot. And it is work­ing against the democ­rats that are try­ing to put Trump on the bal­lot. They are a ner­vous wreck. 

BKP pre­dicts the fol­low­ing win­ners: Blake Mas­ter — AZ, Ron John­son- WI, JD Vance — OH, Dr. Oz — PA, Her­schel Walk­er — GA, Ted Budd — NC, Mario Rubio — FL 

Near­ly 250K migrants have flood­ed Yuma AZ in the past year where med­ical ser­vices bill has topped $20M, tourism has declined and locals are com­plain­ing of being hot at by coy­otes. Abbott spend­ing $12M to ship the migrants to blue cities doesn’t even touch the amount of mon­ey being spent to deal with the migrants that are com­ing across the bor­der. Phoenix infla­tion is at 13% a record for any US city in polling going back 20 years. Atlanta is at 11.7%. Dozens of ille­gals dressed in cam­ou­flage using ropes to scale the bor­der wall in AZ. Migrants are killing pets, steal­ing from shops and knock­ing on doors late at night in TX bor­der towns caus­ing res­i­dents to buy more guns. If the bor­der is secure as they say they are pray­ing you don’t pay atten­tion to the bor­der, the crime, the cost on your cred­it card, and the prices at the gro­cery store and gas sta­tion. They are hop­ing you will believe the sto­ries about sav­ing democ­ra­cy and the fear from the doc­u­ments that Trump had in Mar-a-Lago. They saved you from some­thing so you pay the high­er prices. Jan 6 com­mit­tee plan­ning to con­tin­ue hear­ings on Sep­tem­ber 28 with ear­ly vot­ing start­ing in Octo­ber. They are pray­ing they can refresh the Jan 6 fiasco. 

With every­thing they are try­ing, noth­ing is sticking. 

In Kansas when you are going to change you state con­sti­tu­tion a vot­er is going to vote NO when they are unsure of the details of the change. This is what hap­pened in KS. It was not about abor­tion. Lind­sey Gra­ham com­ing out telling peo­ple that there should be a nation­al ban on abor­tion at 15 weeks. We do not want a nation­al ban on abor­tion. This issue belongs to the state. 

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