Home / News / IF all else fails go back to Russia hoax and the Dems Dark Money

IF all else fails go back to Russia hoax and the Dems Dark Money

Rus­sia gave $300M to polit­i­cal par­ties to inter­fere with elec­tions. They want you to believe that Rus­sia influ­enced the 2016 elec­tion. What about when Stacey Abrams lost the elec­tion? She is in major trou­ble and will do any­thing to get you to pay atten­tion to her. She will make sports bet­ting legal.

Robert Reich — His­to­ry will judge repub­li­cans who stay silent about the big lie.

Mike Lin­dell had his phone tak­en by the FBI.

There is a chi­nese spy at twit­ter whistle­blow­ing secu­ri­ty offi­cer tells con­gress.

There are some things that are com­ing down the pipeline in the next few years to pay atten­tion too.

The truth is the dark deep state in our White House. John Podes­ta tried to dem mega donor back in the spot­light. Podes­ta is linked to Swiss bil­lion­aire cli­mate change fan. But they want to talk about a mega donor influ­enc­ing an elec­tion. Wyse is the bil­lion­aire fund­ing democ­rats through a daisy chain of opaque orga­ni­za­tions that sup­port a num­ber of left learn­ing envi­ron­men­tal groups and pro­gres­sive caus­es. Wyse is not a US cit­i­zen and has spent hun­dreds of bil­lions of dol­lars to influ­ence Amer­i­can pol­i­tics. But yet they want to go back to rus­sia and the elec­tion deniers when they have a par­ty with John Podes­ta in the White House and not talk about the dark mon­ey that is fund­ing the ever ever ever cli­mate change.

There will be a red wave in Novem­ber but what will repub­li­cans do with it. Every­one is get­ting excit­ed like we are a sports team about to win a game. We are a peo­ple about to save the coun­try. The con­cern is not just the elec­tion day but the day after.

Drug free NY Yan­kees, Aaron Judge is about to beat the home run record.

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