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The Crisis Averted: Biden stops the Railroad Strike

Why is Lind­sey Gra­ham talk­ing about abor­tion? We dont need a fed­er­al ban on abor­tion. What the supreme court did was cor­rect. They cor­rect­ed an uncon­sti­tu­tion­al Roe v Wade. it belongs to the states. Lind­sey Gra­ham has caused a prob­lem.

The cri­sis is avert­ed. The rail­road was going to strike at mid­night tonight. The media treats us like we dont pay atten­tion.

In the last 48 hours: you have the queens funer­al (record num­bers to watch), Lind­sey Gra­ham com­ing out talk­ing about ban­ning abor­tion, the rail­road pos­si­ble strike.

At 5 am this morn­ing net­works came on the air about the dis­as­ter that was about to hap­pen. Talks to con­tin­ue no deal to avert nation­wide freight rail shut­down. Esti­mat­ed $2b cost a day. Bernie Sanders on the floor yes­ter­day say­ing in the state­ment that the peo­ple dont even have a sick day. They want to nation­al­ize every­thing. It will affect con­sumer goods, food, auto­mo­biles. Dis­cussing the dis­rup­tion in the sup­ply chain right before the hol­i­days. The major build up loom­ing the major dis­as­ter. Joe Biden had time to go to Detroit and last night struck a ten­ta­tive deal to avoid a freight rail strike. A major cri­sis avert­ed. Biden announces ten­ta­tive rail­road labor agree­ment. Joe came to the res­cue. Today they will spend all day in the media on all the net­works dis­cussing what Joe Biden has done and his nego­ti­at­ing skills and why the Amer­i­can peo­ple vot­ed for Joe. They will do every­thing to turn around Joe Bidens approval rat­ing.

Biden has gone from July approval rat­ing from 46% to Sep­tem­ber at 45%. What has hap­pened oth­er than the media work­ing day and night to move the scales. What has Biden done in the black com­mu­ni­ty to raise the approval from 46% to 75% in 2 months? Is it the Jim Clyburn SC effect? Could it be to help can­di­dates like Stacey Abrams.

Why on the same day that Joe is try­ing out a Corvette, Joe is up in the polls, the Queen is still dom­i­nat­ing the news cycle and we are on the brink of dis­as­ter with the rail strike and we get the news that Durham appears to wind down as the grand jury expires. What hap­pened with Durham. What hap­pened will be all the facts and evi­dence. How does Durham take 2–3 years and come up emp­ty. How did John Durham come up emp­ty with all the evi­dence? The deep state paints a sto­ry and a nar­ra­tive on every­thing then method­i­cal­ly lays things out to manip­u­late the view­er. What have you heard for the past month? Tim Ryan in OH say­ing to kill the move­ment, the extrem­ist. They want to define what the repub­li­can par­ty is and who they are will­ing to work with. Biden said it in his speech. Dur­ing the last month the demo­c­rat elec­tion strat­e­gy is to woo inde­pen­dents and beg the democ­rats to vote, ener­gize the base of the demo­c­rat par­ty. The repub­li­cans are ener­gized. And Tim Ryan wants to kill the move­ment and Biden is angry with the MAGA crowd while Bidens polls are up. Mazie Hirono is pul­ing the abor­tion issue into the elec­tions and say­ing this is a Call to Arms and Lind­sey Gra­ham is help­ing to pull the abor­tion issue in. Durham’s indict­ments have fall­en short. Durham at this time has only proved that the extrem­ists are so far out there and only the ratio­nal repub­li­cans are sane. The Durham report is only to help inde­pen­dents to vote demo­c­rat and the media to say if we have elec­tion deniers out there like Doug Mas­tri­ano while Durham spent 2+ years to find noth­ing. It will be an exam­ple that the Ultra MAGA runs with emp­ty con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries.

Lis­ten for the cri­sis that was avert­ed with Biden today in the media

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