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It’s not about Abortion, It’s about the ECONOMY, STUPID!!!

Fet­ter­man has agreed to a debate.

We have talked about how the democ­rats, deep state, and estab­lish­ment repub­li­cans all work togeth­er for the democ­rats.

Lind­sey Gra­ham came out want­i­ng a nation­al ban on abor­tion at 15 weeks. GA has the heart­beat bill. There are 2 sides to it. They are look­ing at some of the blue states and try­ing to force some of the can­di­dates to fum­ble. Lind­sey thinks that most Amer­i­cans can go with­in 15 weeks. We dis­cussed yes­ter­day that the heart­beat bill is at 6 weeks. The heart starts beat­ing at 6 weeks. Sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies at 15 weeks is when the fetus feels pain. Gra­ham and repub­li­cans think that they can force democ­rats in a box and force them to say they will not pick a time when abor­tion is ok. Stacey Abrams says that abor­tion is a med­ical deci­sion. Lind­sey Gra­ham is hop­ing that Amer­i­cans are not ok with the claim that abor­tion is not a med­ical decis­sion. That Amer­i­ca is not ok with the fetus being dis­mem­bered for the abor­tion or infan­ti­cide, death after birth. Lind­seys hope is that he is sat­is­fy­ing most Amer­i­cans, the 15 weeks gives enough time for the rape, incest, and med­ical issues that may arise. But abor­tion does­nt need to be on the bal­lot. The abor­tion issue should be left to the states. Many say that Gra­ham’s pro­pos­al would be a gift to dems. Some things are bet­ter left alone right now. Repub­li­cans should dou­ble down on infla­tion and how Amer­i­cans are doing. It is hard to believe that the Black com­mu­ni­ties have increased 29% for Joe Biden in the last cou­ple of months. Abor­tion needs to be left alone and dou­ble down on the econ­o­my, stu­pid. Mar­co Rubio sign­ing on to the abor­tion ban at 15 weeks. Her­schel Walk­er is back­ing the bill. Are they back­ing the ban know­ing it wont go any­where to be able to put the democ­rats in a box. Pro life advo­cates are work­ing in the halls of con­gress on a nation­al ban on abor­tion. GA, AL, MS has a heart bill. WV is ille­gal. IL and CA are plan­ning to be the mur­der cap­til of the world and allow­ing trav­el funds to go to the states that will allow abor­tion. What pro-life advo­cates want is a nation­al ban to stop the lib­er­al states from putting abor­tion in place. What the supreme court did was to rule it was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. Roe v Wade was not based on law. Once it was upheld in the Supreme Court all the oth­er cas­es were to chal­lenge the deci­sion. They sent it back to the states and did­nt say that abor­tion is against the law. There are democ­rats that will not dis­cuss a ban at all. The democ­rats are doing a good job with the media help and nation­al­iz­ing the con­ver­sa­tion. They are find­ing doc­tors and nurs­es to cut com­mer­cials with them and to back the can­di­dates. They dont put the poor white, black, lati­na woman on the brochures, they put the white sub­ur­ban woman dressed nice­ly sit­ting in the doc­tor’s office. And they have the con­sul­ta­tion talk­ing about the med­ical devel­op­ment of the fetus. If we pass a nation­al abor­tion ban and they have some­thing to go back to the supreme court with and that will be a prob­lem.

They dont want to talk about the econ­o­my. Its the econ­o­my, stu­pid. Do not get side­tracked. Stay focused.

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