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Porn Literacy for Kids, Mask Mandates in Pre‑K, Unsafe Streets

How come this guy is the only guy they can catch? R Kel­ly guilty of child pornog­ra­phy. Ida­ho they are teach­ing the chil­dren about por­nag­ra­phy. Maybe if R Kel­ly would have got­ten on Epstiens plan on time. The Ida­ho gov­ern­ment offers porn lit­er­a­cy to chil­dren. Video — Porn for Kids.

Fet­ter­man has agreed to a debate. The Wash­ing­ton Post has pushed for Fet­ter­man to debate. When the left does any­thing to lead you to believe that they are going after their own kind. They are try­ing to come up with a game plan to help their can­di­date. The cam­paign works with the media run­ning with the nar­ra­tive to turn it around. Every­time Fet­ter­man has come out he has only spo­ken in sim­ple sen­tences and he can only do every­thing with teleprompters in front of him. So they have agreed to the debate with a closed cap­tion debate that will appear to the can­di­dates. So not only will Fet­ter­man hear what Oz says on the debate stage he will be able to read. There should be some­one out from the Oz team ask­ing the ques­tions if Fet­ter­man could make the whole six years. And dis­cussing the unknown future with Fet­ter­man as Sen­a­tor.

The fed­er­al require­ment for head start in those devel­op­men­tal years is to wear a mask due to COVID. This needs to be dis­cussed dai­ly not abor­tion.

Philadel­phia Dis­trict Attor­ney say­ing that there isnt a crime issue. Say­ing there is not a big spike in crime nation­al­ly. Real­ly? We have all watched those videos.

DeSan­tis takes a page out of Greg Abbot­t’s book and sends 2 planes to Marthas Vine­yard.

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